Chapter Eight

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Silverdust wandered through the forest with the new friend she had made. He was a quadruped called Ravage. He looked like a cat if she was being honest, and was rather cute. He was looking for his creator, or so he said. Silverdust didn't quite believe him with that, since he refused to tell her his creator's name.

Silverdust had stayed on the island of Griffin Rock but made sure to stay hidden in the forest. It was a large forest, and she was easily hidden, and could easily hide from the Rescue Bots if they ever had to come into the forest, which was really rare. Silverdust drew a deep breath, and smiled at the fresh air. It had done her good to be away from the Autobots. She didn't want to go back. Well, she did, but she knew Megatron was right. They would never accept her. Not like the Decepticons would.

Silverdust froze, unsure where that last thought came from. She refused to go to the Decepticons. While Megatron may have brought some things to light, she would never go to him. He had hurt her too much.

"Are you alright, my lady", the quadruped beside her asked. She shook herself out and turned to her companion with a smile on her face.

"I'm fine, Ravage", she murmured. The cat gave his best version of a smile.

"That's good. Lord Megatron would not want his only heir to go to waste in the forest."

Silverdust nodded, before freezing again and turned to Ravage slowly, her optics wide.

"What.... what did you call my sire? Better question: how did you know Megatron is my Sire? I never told you..." Silverdust cursed as realization hit her like an energon blast. "You're one of his!"

Ravage growled softly. "Looks like we're doing this the hard way."

Silverdust transformed and shot out of the trees away from the traitorous metal cat. She bolted for the only other safe place she knew. The firehouse.

She stopped in mid-air, hovering above the trees. Heatwave was most likely going to have told everyone whether Sire was. They would hate her for that. She sighed and dove back into the forest, though she was already far away from her previous position that she would not be found by the cat unless he had a good sense of smell. Or if he had placed a tracker on her. With those thoughts in mind, she checked all her systems and found them tracker free.

She let out a relieved exhale, and relaxed against a tree, only to get into a defensive position when a ground bridge opened nearby. Out came the one mech she thought she would never see again. He stared at her carefully, unsure if she would bolt.

Silverdust searched his optics for anything that resembled hate, but saw nothing she expected. She just saw hope, fear, and... another emotion she couldn't place. She only knew she felt the same away for him. She ignored her spark as she had for the past few months. She hadn't seen him since she admitted who her Sire was, even if it was indirectly. She knew he knew, and she was afraid of what he might do.

Silverdust saw the ground bridge behind him close, leaving the two alone in the forest. She stayed where she was, though she longed to hug him tightly.

"Dusty..." Heatwave murmured. Silverdust huffed and folded her arms.

"I thought I told you not to call me that", she snarled, though it was playful. Well, as playful as she could make it with her fear. Heatwave cracked a smile though, and took a gentle step towards her. She took a step back to keep the same distance between them as there was before.

Heatwave sighed soflty and looked to the ground. "The team misses you. Cody especially."

Silverdust smiled at the thought of the blonde haired boy, but it was gone by the replacement of a silver armored mech who looked as if he wore a bucket on his helm. Her smile disappeared and she hugged herself softly.

"I doubt that. How did they react to finding out who my Sire is, by the way?" Silverdust asked as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Heatwave could detect traces of sadness, fear, and worry in there too. He took a step forward again, and this time she didn't move back.

"They don't know", he said confidently. Silverdust looked at him like he was crazy.

"You mean you didn't tell them? Optimus didn't tell them? Ha! Like I believe that load of scrap!"

Heatwave sighed softly, and took another step forward. She again did not move back.

"Silver, I promise I did not tell them. Optimus did not tell them. That was your secret to tell as you please, not anyone else."

Silverdust's spark lurched at the sound of the nickname he had given her. She hadn't realized how much she liked it until then. She looked to the ground and spoke quietly, hugging herself tighter.

"Will... does this mean you don't hate me for being the daughter of the worst Cybertronian to ever live?" Silverdust asked. "Does this mean you won't push me away for being his daughter? Even though I'm just like him?"

Heatwave took the last few steps to reach her and gently took her servos. "I don't think I could ever hate you or push you away. And you are nothing like him. You are kind, and sweet, and loving. He is mean, and ruthless, and destructive. You are nothing alike."

Silverdust pulled away, facing away from him. "Then you haven't really seen who I am..."

Heatwave was quiet, waiting for her to continue. She did so, and her voice was filled with pain. "Did you ever learn more about the Ghost?"

Heatwave nodded, he and the others having asked about it a while ago. Silverdust choked on her next words.

"Give me a description of her", she croaked. Heatwave hesitated, unsure of how she would react if he did so.

"The Ghost is said to only attack Decepticon energon mines, killing everyone in their way. There has been almost no who had seen The Ghost and lived to tell the tale", Heatwave recounted what he had learned.

"What did the ones who did live say about her?"

Heatwave frowned, confused about why Silverdust kept on about this Ghost person. He sighed softly and recalled what the others had said.

"The Ghost is a silver and black blur, and only uses blades. Sometimes they are seen to have used a blaster to stun the Decpeticon they are attacking, but- Silver, what does this have to do with anything?"

Silverdut choked on a sob, and brought her servo up to her mouth as she tried to form words.

"I... I am... I'm the Ghost", Silverdust cried. "I'm the one who killed those defenseless Vehicon miners. For absolutely no reason other than to get energon. They wouldn't have been able to fight back, and yet I killed them all. Heatwave, how I am nothing like my Sire if I kill without mercy?"

Heatwave silently pulled the weeping femme into his arms, and just hugged her tightly as she cried. She cried for every life she took, for every Cybertronian she had harmed. She cried for how much energon stained her servos. She cried about how none of them deserved it. She cried for several minutes, all the while Heatwave just hugged her until she calmed. When she did calm, he gently took her shoulders and looked into her optics, a small smile on his face.

"You are nothing like your father because you feel bad for the lives you took. You didn't want them to die", Heatwace murmured. Silverdsur stared at him in disbelief.

"But I deliberately sought to end their lives. I sought them out."

"Did you? Or were you looking for energon so we wouldn't have to take from the other base?"

Silverdust froze, looking up into Heatwave's kind optics. She felt a rush of tears fill her optics and she hugged Heatwave tightly. He wrapped his arms around her, and held her protectively, like he had been wishing to do for so long.

"Why are you so good to me...?" Silverdust asked. Heatwave doesn't respond, wanting to keep that to himself for now. He wasn't ready to tell her that he loved her, and he knew she wasn't ready to hear it. So instead, he answered her question with another question.

"Come back with me?"

Silverdust pulled away, and looked at him nervously. "Are you sure they don't know my heritage?"

Heatwave nodded. "And they won't know unless you tell them."

Silverdust smiled softly. "Then yes,  I will come back with you."

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