Chapter Two

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Silverdust stared nervously at the data pad in front of her. She was trying to read as she waited for the correct time for her departure, but each time she tried to focus, her optics would glaze over, and she would fail at focusing. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her shaking servos, but it did nothing to help.

Silverdust heard her name called, and she turned to see Optimus looking at her, a gentle smile on his face. She smiled in return, though hers was nervous.

"Is it time to go?" Silverdust couldn't help but ask, setting her datapad down on a crate that Ratchet would sort through eventually.

Optimus nodded. Silverdust took in a deep, shaky breath, and turned to look at her friends. Her optics stayed on Bumblebee the longest, who gave her an encouraging nod. She only returned it with a small smile, before following Optimus through the now open ground bridge.

As the green, purple, and white portal surrounded her, she ignored the frantic thrumming of her spark. They exited the portal into an empty warehouse, and waited silently for a few minutes.

A loud crash sounded outside, and Optimus' mouth guard instantly went up as he motioned for Silverdust to stay here. That did nothing to calm her nerves, and she watched as Optimus walked out.

She stood in the shadows, her black and silver plating hiding her easily in the warehouse, and she watched as four robots came out of a spaceship.

She couldn't hear their conversation, but she knew they were conversing about stuff. What it was she had no idea, but eventually they were brought inside the warehouse and they stood in a straight line in front of Optimus. Silverdust stayed in the shadows, waiting for him to introduce her. She knew he would, as he always did, but for now, she would just be patient.

"Heatwave, Chade, Blades, Boulder", Optimus named off as he walked in front of them. "After careful consideration, I have chosen your new mission."

"Nice", the red Rescue Bot- Heatwave- exclaimed as he did a fist pump into the air.

"We are happy to join the battle, sir", the blue bot- Chase- says as he salutes Optimus. Silverdust couldn't help but smile, knowing Optimus did not particularly like that. He thought of everyone as equals, no matter their rank.

"So, when do we roll out?" Heatwave asks. Optimus looks at him sharply.

"You do not", he says. Shocked expressions crossed the Rescue Bot's faces, and Optimus continued. "As perhaps the last Rescue Bots in existence, you ar uniquely suited to help the people of this planet, as well as learn from them."

Boulder- the green Rescue Bot stepped forward excitedly. "You mean we'll interact with humans?"

"You, as well as a member of my own team, will be ambassadors to the people of this planet- the first Autobots to live with a human family", Optimus explained. Silverdust waited, knowing that Optimus didn't want her to come out yet. He would turn or look at her when he did. Optimus continued speaking. "Study their customs, obey their rules, and work together to keep this planet safe. During this mission, you four and my teammate must appear to the humans as machines, robots in disguise."

Silverdust's spark sunk. Not only would she be in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar bot, she wouldn't be able to be herself? She would have to act sparkless? Silverdust looked to the ground. Why had Optimus picked her for this mission? What was she supposed to do here?

"What?" she heard Heatwave ask, obviously not happy with the new development. She wasn't happy either, since Optimus had left this information out for her.

"While the people of Earth are comfortable with advanced technology, the idea that alien beings are living among them will undoubtedly cause panic", Optimus explained.

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