Chapter Three

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Silverdust waited nervously as she waited underneath the stage in her vehicle form, her holoform waiting beside it in order to put up an image to the other humans there that the vehicles beside them were just that. Vehicles.

One of the humans came up to her, and she frowned. He was a redhead, and had a smirk on his face.

"Hey, gorgeous", he flirted. "Name's Kade. What's yours?"

"Irrelevant to you", she replied, narrowing her eyes. "Now, Chief Burns will be starting soon, so get back to your assigned vehicle."

Kade had a shocked look on his face, but he listened. Over her com-link, she could hear Heatwave laughing.

"You showed him up", Heatwave chuckled. Silverdust lightly smiled and replied.

"Good luck working with him, Heatwave."

"How do you know I'm going to be working with him?"

"His outfit. He's a firefighter. You're a firetruck. The two tend to go hand in hand."

Heatwave groaned, but was unable to say anything as each Autobot and human began to be lifted up. Silverdust blinked as her eyes came into contact with the sunlight, and she watched as she stood in front of the people of Griffin Rock.

"Robots", Chief Burns calls. "Transform!"

Silverdust obeys, allowing her vehicle form to become a robot form, though she knew she wouldn't be able to hold her holoform for very long.

"These robotic rescue vehicles will streamline our resources", Chief Burns continued. "Now one human teamed with one robot can do the job of an entire police force-" he gestured to Chase. "-fire department-" Kade stepped forward, a smirk on his face again. "-emergenct response unit-" a female stepped forward, smiling and holding her helmet. "-engineering core-" the only other human male she had seen stepped forward, a tablet in hand. "and search and rescue!"

Silverdust's holoform stepped forward, and she smiled shyly at the crowd. She turned her attention back to Chief Burns as he spoke. She moved to stand beside him at the same time the others did.

"Each robot is programmed to respond only to the commands of its handler, so you can sleep at night knowing that Griffin Rock is protected by the very best technology and humanity has to offer!"

Silverdust flinched softly at the loud cheers, the sounds amplified in both her audio receptors and her holoform's ears. She silently cursed Ratchet. 'Ratchet, why didn't you make it so that you wouldn't hear sound in both forms?'

A photographer came up with a camera, and took a photo of the group together before making his way over to Silverdust.

"And who may you be?" he asked in a very reportery-ish voice as he help a microphone out to her. Silverdust groaned softly, but responded, knowing the public would like to know who she was. She smiled as she looked at the camera that was recording.

"My name is Silvia Burns. I'm a distant cousin to Chief Burns", she answered.

The reporter turned to the camera. "A new Burns? This will be interesting. How are the other Burnses taking it?"

They both turn to look at the other Burnses, and none of them are moving. She sighs softly, glad that they didn't hear her. While Chief Burns helped her come up with that cover story, it wasn't exactly foolproof, and would need the others in on it. Which would be difficult, seeing as she was not actually related to them in any way. Not even remotely close.

Luckily, the reporter was distracted by Chief Burns recieving a call through his com-link. In a few seconds, Chief Burns turned the rest of the group.

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