Chapter Ten

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*2 days later*

An explosion rang through the air. Glass shattered everywhere and five humans gained serious burns and cuts. The five Autobots were better off, but not by much. Silverdust was the first to rise and guard the five humans who could die if they weren't careful. Soon, the other Autobots joined her.

Silverdust saw Megatron, and several other Decepticons and her optics narrowed. She growled softly, but Megatron only laughed.

"Oh, my dear daughter. I don't think you'll be growling when I tell you that your dear Autobots in Jasper, Nevada are gone."

Silverdust continued to glare at him as it slowly sunk in what he said. When it finally registered in her mind, she stumbled, staring at the ground as her optics began to fill with tears. She looked up at Megatron, though she looked so much smaller than she did before.

"You mean... they're..."

"Dead, yes, now can we get on with this?" Starscream whined. Silverdust heard Heatwave growl and she turned to him. She saw his glare and knew what he was planning. She grabbed his arm and shook her helm. He frowned.

"Silver, he hurt you. He keeps hurting you. I am sick of it. It is time for his warmongering ways to end", Heatwave growled. Silverdust shook out of fear. Fear for the love of her life. Fear for her friends. Fear for herself. She knew there was no way for them to fight a Decepticon army. They were untrained, only knowing what little fighting a Rescue Bot may have to do in rescues.

She bit her lower lip and stared at him with pleading optics. He took no notice of them, instead glaring at Megatron, taking a few steps forward. Silverdust followed him.

"Heatwave, please, you have no training", she begged. Heatwave only shrugged her off and prepared to attack Megatron.

"Heatwave, I have trained for years and I can barely hold my own against him", Silverdust whimpered. Heatwave still didn't listen. She finally took hold of his servo and forced him to face her.

"Please don't do this... please don't let Megatron kill off the one mech I love with all my spark", Silverdust whispered. Heatwave had a surprised look on his face, before kissing her gently.

"I love you, too, my star. That's why I have to fight him."

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO!!" Silverdust cried. Heatwave payed her no mind and charged at Megatron. The silver titan merely sidestepped and allowed Heatwave to charge into the vehicons, though none of them touched him. Silverdust knew it was only because Megatron ordered them not to. He was playing with Heatwave.

Silverdust watched in despair as Heatwave charged again, and this time Megatron cut Heatwave's side with his blade. Heatwave let out a pained cry, and fell to the ground. Megatron grinned and raised his sword to deliver the final blow, but Silverdust darted in front of it just before. Megatron stopped his sword, and watched his sparkling curiously. Tears streamed down her face as she protected her favorite red mech.

"If I go with you", her voice trembled. "Will you leave them alone?"

Megatron grinned. "I will."

"Do you promise?" Silverdust asked. Megatron nodded, and Silverdust turned to face Heatwave who was staring up at her weakly.

She knelt beside him and gently touched his faceplate.

"I love you", she whispered. "Always remember that."

Heatwave nodded weakly, and she looked to Boulder, who walked over and picked up his bleeding friend.

"Take care of all of them, okay. You're all the Autobot cause has left here on Earth."

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