Chapter Nine

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Silverdust sat up, a cold shiver going through her body. She fought back tears as her body complained of invisible wounds. The feeling was just a remnant from her nightmare. Silverdust blinked, and for a moment she thought she saw energon streaming from a gash in her leg, but then she blinked again and there was nothing there.

Silverdust curled into a ball and started crying softly. Ever since she had come back to the firehouse, she had nightmares of Megatron finding her and torturing her. Sometimes it wouldn't just be her. Sometimes it was her human friends, or sometimes it was her family in Jasper. It got worse when it Blades, Chase, or Boulder, the three having never seen war, and hopefully never would. She hated it when Heatwave appeared in her dreams, because he would always try to protect her from Megatron, but would always die.

Silverdust couldn't help but get the sinking premonition that Heatwave was planning something stupid and that he would pay dearly for it. She took a deep, shaky breath, and got up, planning on going to Heatwave. He was the only one who was able to calm her down nowadays. Then again, he was the only one she was able to talk to freely about such things, and thus the only one who could help her.

She walked over to his room and noticed the door wide open, which was strange. She peered inside, and saw no one in there. She frowned but headed out to the main hangar. There was no one there either. Sighing, she went up to the garage, and found no one there either. Finally, she went outside, where she saw a sight she never wanted to see. All of her family, both from Jasper, and from Griffin Rock facing off Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream. Behind those three Decepticons were hundreds of vehicon soldiers. She stopped in shock, and watched as Megaton's gaze shifted to her, and his lips turned up into a malicious grin.

"Ah, there's the one I've been searching for. Daughter, it's time for you to come home", Megatron smirked. Silverdust shook her head and spoke quietly but firmly.

"No. You may be the one who helped create me, but you are not my Sire. Optimus has and always been my Sire. He raised me, took care of me, and made sure I did not turn out like you."

Megatron's smile disappears, and in the blink of an optic, his blade was through Optimus' spark. Silverdust screamed and stared at the flickering optics of her adoptive Sire. She saw his optics flicker over to the mech she had grown to love, who was glaring at Megatron with such an intensity it seemed that he was trying to melt the silver mech then and there.

Heatwave charged at Megatron and with a flick of the wrist, Megatron's blade was now in Heatwave's spark chamber.

Silverdust shot up in her berth, her scream echoing throughout her room. Heatwave burst in, ready to fight, only to relax slightly when he saw that the silver femme had not been harmed by anything physical. He knew however, that she would prefer physical pain to what she was enduring.

She sobbed softly and tightly hugged Heatwave as soon as he was close enough. Heatwave hugged her, and whispered sweet nothings to her to help her calm down. He saw the other three peer in curiously, but simple glare sent them away. Silverdust's grip did not loosen until she was nearly falling asleep, and as her optics fluttered close, Heatwave heard a small whisper come from her.

"Don't leave me."

It was then and there that he promised he would never leave her side unless he absolutely had to.
Megatron chuckled darkly as he awoke from his dreams. Or rather, his daughters dreams. He could sense her falling deeper and deeper into the darkness, and soon he would swoop in and rescue her from that darkness. His heir needed to be just as cruel and wicked as he was, after all.

He walked out of his personal chambers and into the room he knew his third in command to be.

"Soundwave", he rumbled. "How are the preparations going? Have you discovered her location?"

Soundwave nodded, and Megatron smirked. "Perfect. In a couple of days, we will have all the omega keys. It is after that, we will strike, when the Autobots are at their lowest."

Soundwave nodded, and Megatron grinned evilly as he spoke to himself.

'Soon, my sparkling. Soon, we shall be together as a Sire and sparkling should be.'

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