~Gives you hell~

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Max grumbled as he walked to school. He hummed a small tune and hopped on the bus, waiting for his friends. He saw QM driving the bus. 'Who the fuck keeps hiring him?' He thinks as the bus drives away to the next stops. Niel and Nikki get on and he smiles at the two. He puts on music as the rides towards hell.

They soon got off and the trio go to thier lockers. "I can't belive this bullshit" Niel said as he crammed his locker. "Yeah, I can't bring my wolves" Nikki said as she put her things away. "Nikki, you can't get a wolf all the way out here anyways" "Yeah I can, watch!" Niel and Nikki argued. Max sighed and closed his locker.

"You two are idiots" He said as he walked to his first class.


Daniel's POV: *angst warning*

I woke up. My head hurt and I was sweating. I heard shouting in the distance. I remembered this. I ran as fast as I could. To try to save him. "JASON!" I screamed. I was 10 again. My best friend Jason had drank the Kool-Aid. "Daniel..." I heard faintly in the distance. I ran and I saw him. Coughing up blood and Kool-Aid.

I teared up. "Jason..." I held him tightly. He hugged back. "I'm sorry Dan, I found out too much." He said, in a raspy tone. I held on. There was nothing I could do. It was all my fault. I wanted him to come to this camp so that we could have fun. But, he just... couldn't anymore. "Don't forget..." he gasped out. His eyelids closed and the color faded from him.

I held on, crying uncontrollably. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "He's in a better place Daniel. With Xemüg" I looked up to see the priest of the camp. "He did not belive. But, you will right?" I did not belive. I really didn't. But, I took his hand. I would not let Jason's story end.

I saw darkness. And then, a transparent  version of Jason. "Daniel. It's not your fault. It was the cults. You're still with them" I teared up. "I know..." he sighed. "You have too cut them off, or bad things will happen. Remember, I am proud of you and watching over you."

I woke up, for real this time. Crying and sweating while grasping my chest. I was breathing heavily. "Daniel! Are you ok?" I heard David say. But I was having a panic attack. One breath, then another, and soon, all I heard was my breathing and nothing else.

~Hum My Song~ Danvid Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now