~A new or old friend?~

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Jason's POV:

Where am I?

It could only be recognized as Spooky Island.

Ah yes, where I died. I looked over my body, I tried to touch Daniel, who was holding me, or my body. The priest came up behind him. "DONT TOUCH HIM!" I shouted. I tried to interfere and punch him, do anything. Nothing worked.

I felt as if I was being dragged away. They walked back onto the boat and to camp. My body was left there, but Daniel had taken my braclet as a reminder. I smiled and looked around. "I wonder if anyone else is here..." I said quietly.

I floated around. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I sighed when I heard no response. "Is someone else here?" I heard somebody say. I went toward the voice that seemed to be coming from the mansion. I walked inside to see another ghost who looked similar to me.

We looked at eachother for a bit. "Jason." "I'm Jasper".

(Flash Forward 14 years)

Me and Jasper were hanging out when we heard a boat on the dock. We assumed it was the normal creepy guy, until we heard kids voices.

We walked over to see who was there.
Three kids. One with a blue hoodie, one with teal pigtails, and one with tall hair.

"Nikki ghosts dont exist!" The one with the hoodie said, obviously annoyed. "Cmon Max, it will be fun! The Quatermaster is probably hiding something and we have to find it!"

Jasper went towards them, "Sup duderinos!" I stepped out afterwards, cautiously. "You guys here to find ghosts?"

[Present Day]

Me and Jasper were watching the camp slowly start to become dirty again. Like every year, it rots, then somebody comes and cleans it up, summer starts, it ends, and the cycle begins again.

Or so we thought.

"Neil, hurry up! The teachers will notice soon!"

"Nikki shut up, we'll get caught!"

We turned around to see Max, Neil, and Nikki running from something. A teacher, based on what they were saying. "Chill guys, what's going on?" I asked. "Well, we were supposed to be on a field trip to the Woodscouts for a military camp thing, but Max and Nikki decided to blow it up, and now we are here." Neil stated.

I heard the shouting of adults. "Go hide inside, we'll cover for you guys!" Jasper said. They rushed inside the mansion and we faced the way of the Woodscouts base.

A teacher came not too long after. "Oh, hello boys! Have either of you seen three kids around here?" She said sweetly, like teachers do to kids who aren't in trouble.

"No ma'am! No kids here-" Jasper said, until he was interrupted by Nikki jumping out of the mansion and attacking a squirrel. "NIKKI! I TOLD YOU TO STAY INSIDE!" Max shouted.

The teacher walked by us and sta them all down. "I'm going to call all of your parents and tell them what happened so that they can pick you up!" The teacher shouted at them. Nikki was picking at grass, Max rolled his eyes, and Neil was the only one who was worried.

Me and Jasper turned to eachother. "Shit."

David's POV:

"Max did what? Ok, I'll go pick him up." I sighed. Daniel looked over curiously. "What was that?" He questioned. "Max set off a bomb at the Woodscouts, then escaped to Spooky Island, now I have to go pick him up." I sighed.

Daniel looked panicked for a second, like he had a dark past with the island. "I'll go with you" I agreed with mo argument, I enjoyed Daniel's company anyways. "Ok! Let's go!"

Once we got there, we saw Neil anxious while he was being lectured by his parents, Nikki playing with grass right beside him, and Max on a tree stump playing with a stick.

"Max, you shouldn't have-"

"Blown up the thing, I know, now can we go?" Nikki and Neil were gone and now getting the lecture in the car. The teacher was nowhere in sight and neither was... Daniel.

I looked around. "Max where did Daniel go?" Max rolled his eyes, and once he saw nobody, he turned worried. "I- I dont know!" We ran around and eventually ran into the mansion. We went inside and saw Daniel standing under a hovering figure, both crying.

"Daniel! Why are you-"


There he was. Standing above me, transparent and smiling awquirdly.

"Hi David..." He said.

I dropped to the floor.

"Jasper, is it you?"

"It is... guess you found out! I died..."

I started to tear up. It's all my fault, I made him die. If I just stayed friends with him. If I hadn't said those small things. They made such a difficult that he...


"Davey, it's ok! It's my fault, dont blame yourself now! That happened when we were kids! Look, I found friends! Jason, Max, Nikki, and Neil!" He sighed and smiled. "But you especially, your so special to me."

He chuckled. "In fact, you lived... so much longer than I thought you were going to. Then again, Campbell didn't tell you a thing..."

I chuckled. "Sorry for making you wait..."

I heard Daniel and Jason laugh. "You two are dorks"

I laughed and wiped away my tears. Max sighed and walked toward me. He hugged my leg and rolled his eyes. "Like I said, I dont care, but happy David is better than Sad David!"

We all laughed a bit. Jason sighed. "But you guys know what's going on right now, right? Jasper, Daniel, and Jason had turned serious, leaving me and Max confused.

Jasper turned towards us. "Camden and Campbell are working together."

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