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Daniel hugged David for a bit. 'This is nice' he thought to himself. They sat there, hugging eachother. "David?" Daniel asked. No response. He opened his eyes and saw that David had fallen asleep. Daniel smiled and started to drift off aswell.

Daniel's POV:

"Daniel! Its Jason, in dream form!" I opened my eyes and saw Jason as an apparition once again. I was in a dimly lit room with a light shining on Jason. He put his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Danny! Ok, listen before you wake up. Cameron is planning on killing house and Jen, but he is hiding. He isnt at the church anymore. You have to hurry." The room shook. "Dammit. Ok, well you have to kill him and Campbell. That's the only way me and Jasper can be free." "Jason! Where is he?"

"Hes in-" the room shook more and he faded away. I woke up and bolted up.

David seemed to be in the same state. "Daniel, we have to save them!"
"But how David? Neither of us know where they are."

"But I might." We looked in the direction of the door. Max was standing there with a smirk on his face. "While you two idiots were being gay, me and Neil were figuring stuff out." He took out his phone and showed us a picture that had been screenshoted on Google maps. "So you know were he is?" David said exitedly.

"Eh, sort of. We know hes in the woods, but dont know which part of the woods hes in. Or even which place."

"Dammit!" I said angrily. I shot my head up. "Wait show me the photo again. He handed me the phone. "T-thats the place Jason-" I handed the phone back. "Tommorow. We will go there." I said.

Max's POV:
*four hours before hand*

I showed up and Neil's house and rang the doorbell. I sighed and started humming as I waited for him to answer the door. He opened it. "Oh, hey Max, why are you-"

"Neil. Ghosts. Murder. Hunt." I said. Neil let me in. Nikki rushed down the stairs of their house. "Hey Max! What are you two doing?"

"Murder Mystery." I answered.

"Oooooo, sounds fun! Can I join?" Neil coughed and did a 'no' signal with his hands.

Nikki looked between us. "Oh, I get it! Have fun with your 'murder mystery'." She giggled as she rushed back to her room. Neil face palmed.

*two hours later*

"Alright. So Camden is a cult leader who  influences Daniel and the rest of that cult, but he killed Jason, which is a cult version of Jasper, and now we have to find them?" Neil asked looking over all the stuff I said. "Um, yeah." I thought.

Neil sighed. "Ok, but what are we supposed to do?" 

"Find them. Obviously." I started humming as I sketched out what Camden would look like." Neil turned around. "What were you just humming?" He asked. "N-nothing. Let's just keep on looking." He nodded and started searching up who Camden was, and churches around Lake Liliac.

"I got it! Saint Xs Church!" Neil showed attached photos. I noticed one with Camden opening a door in the woods. "Screenshot that and send it to me."

I saw that it was posted two days ago.

"I think we found him."

~Hum My Song~ Danvid Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now