~What the use of feeling blue?~

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David's POV:

"DANIEL!" I shouted. He couldn't hear. He passed out. He was mumbling, but I couldn't wake him up. "911!" I anxiously grabbed my phone.

"911, what your emergency?"

"My boyfriend passed out after a panicked attack and he's mumbling."

"Have you tried waking him up?"

"Yes! He won't budge"

The line was quiet for a bit.

"Sir, wait on the line while a ambulance comes."

I nodded. What could have made him react like that?

Daniel's POV:

I waited patiently as Kool-aid got passed around.

Camden lifted up his glass. The 5 of ours were not poisoned. The rest were. "Cheers!" He said as we all sipped. "Cheers!" The crowd repeated. I was standing behind the adults so I closed my eyes, but I heard them. Drop, Scream, Cough.

Jen also closed her eyes. We couldn't stand this. I opened my eyes after a minute. Everything was quiet. My eyes widened.

In front of me were poor civilians, dead. The scene faded. I was tightly grasping my chest and crying.

"Get the hell up!" I felt a punch to the face as cold blood trickled down my face and nose.

I was 16 and I was attending Campbell high. I hears laughter as my vision blurred. I slowly laughed and got up. The guys around me stopped. Thier faces turned from angry to scared. I wiped the blood off with my black jacket.

"My turn motherfuckers"

I punched the first person I saw which happen to be the leader. I still had blood on me. I looked at my hand and saw the blood from his nose.

His friends had bolted. He kicked my feet from under me. I fell to the floor. "How does that feel, freak?" I heard him say.

I got up. "Fucking great actually." He stared at me for a second, which gave me time to kick his groin and kick him repeated.

Kids were filming and teachers were stuck on the outside, trying to move their way into the circle. I saw a redhead who had witnessed the whole thing. He knew I was not the bad guy.

The guy brought me down with him as we wrestled. The principal, Mr.Campbell, had placed a bet on me. How thoughtful. I was about to pass out. The red-head noticed. He was surprisingly strong.

He broke the other person's grip away. "Thanks" I said as I crashed onto the floor.

I woke up to a slightly pleased Camden and a worried Jen.

She was making sure I was breathing. I couldn't hear or see that well. "Wake up Daniel, Wake up..."

"DANIEL WAKE UP YOU BASTARD!" I heard a voice say. "...max?"

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