~Is it right?~

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When does someone know if something is wrong or not? Most people would think that we automatically know.

Or your views on things.

But what if it's based on what you grew up with?

But people can change can't they?

"People can change... right?" Daniel looked up from his notebook.

"What? What do you mean Dan?" Jen said, turning around from her computer. "What I mean is, can people who are evil become... good? I-" he sighed. "I dont want to be the bad guy."

Jen sat down on the chair next to him. "Dan... you know people can change. Look at you-!"


"No? What do you mean no? Daniel I-"

"I mean I don't know if I'm good. I mean, look at the media. 'Psycho', 'Danger', 'Inhumane'" Daniel said as he picked up different news articles with his face on them.

"OH! And my favorite title, 'Local Monster at it once again.' How can I say I changed when the media portrays me as this." He throws the papers on the counter and lays down on his bed.

"Am I a good person?" Daniel sat up and looked at Jen. "Dan, you know I cant answer that question. Ask someone who knows."

"Well who am I supposed to-"

Jen looked at Daniel, raising her eyebrow.

"No, Jen I am not asking him-"

Next thing Daniel knew he was at David's door he paced around before knocking on the door. David opened it and let him in.

"Come in! Max is atNeil's, it's for a project or something." Daniel smiled slightly and walked in. He sat down on the couch where David was already sitting.

"So what did you want to tell me?"

"What? How did you-"

"Daniel..." David said moving closer. "I know. You're sad, or questioning things. I'm not that naive. So what is it?"

Daniel sighed. "Am I a good person?"
"Why would you ask that, ok course you are you're my soulmate-"

"David. That's not what I mean. I mean do I have good morals? Am I good? It's not based on my role of who I am to you. I'm a monster, who just so happen to get paired with the happy counselor." Daniel stopped and looked at David. "So... am I good?"

David was speechless. "No! Of course you're not! Let's give an example, if a kid was falling, would you help it?"

"Well yes but-"

"Then you have good morals! Daniel, you are good-"

Daniel sat down the stack of newspapers. David picked each of them up and read through them all, him being more taken aback by each article. "Danny I-"

"See David? See what I am like? I'm portrayed as a monster?" Daniel was tearing up, but that didn't stop him. "I'm a psycho!"

He was breathing heavily. He sat down and cried. "Daniel. You aren't like that. The news is corrupt. If you ask yourself this, then you are good, or at least trying to get better." He looked up and hugged David. "Thanks"

"No problem"

*A/N: Thanks for the support on this! But you know what you should also support? Black lives matter. Sign petitions. I will put some in this book when I find some petitions. Dont let their voices be silenced.*

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