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11 || the spark


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"Put him on board."

That was the last thing that he heard as he was shoved onto Kylo Ren's ship, other than the screams of the villagers he had inadvertently killed by bringing the First Order to their location. Not to mention the loss of his ship, and sending his droid far away from anywhere even remotely close to him.

Jakku had been a major shitshow, one of very few failures that Poe had on any of his missions.

But this? This failure was probably the worst.

It had all started when Space Girl had so hastily rushed him off of Tatooine a little over 24 hours ago, troopers on her tail. She had acted like it was no big deal, making him slug her across the face without any second thought.

After that? Poe barely had any time to breathe. The information was sent back to General Organa, along with the message Space Girl had told him about Ren's plans and how they needed to get the map before he did.

He had then suddenly been thrown from one desert planet to the next, Leia entrusting him (out of all people in the Resistance, he was truly surprised that she chose him)  to find the map to Skywalker, sending him and BB-8 to Jakku.

Jakku had been a disaster, Poe barely being able to obtain the map before the First Order came in, hot on his trail with a determination to get the map by whatever means necessary. They had killed everyone inside of that Jakku village, starting with the man who had given him the map. And, even then, he hadn't even been able to complete one of the most important parts of his individual mission- finding out who Space Girl was.

Of course, the other important part being the map to Skywalker.

Which, so conveniently, was stuck on Jakku with his droid that he had abandoned and left to wander the deserts until he found him again. And at this point, Poe was sure that he'd have to comb through that desert with a fine tooth comb in order to find his little droid again.

There was a bit of chaos for a moment in the ship that Poe had been shoved onto before he heard it roar to life, the familiar echo and hum on an engine rumbling beneath them evident. He could feel them slowly rising away from the Jakku ground, heading towards some sort of Star Destroyer base ( or he could only assume that would be where they were going), probably to interrogate or execute him for his crimes against the First Order.

Keeping his head down and his eyes low, Poe tried to notice as much as he humanely could around him. Any bit of information that he got from this whole little stunt could be useful information for the Resistance if he survived.

The Art of Scraping Through | Poe Dameron [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now