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28 || found and returned: one space girl


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There was a rush of excitement as the heroes stumbled out of the ramp of the Millennium Falcon, streams of people rushing towards the ship as the group was coming off. The Resistance was overjoyed at the fact that the First Order had taken such a large hit to their pride and their strength. The Resistance had saved an entire planetary system from destruction- and they had gotten the map (even if it was only partially complete) to Luke Skywalker.

The odds against the First Order were looking better with every moment.

Fox and Han stood off to one side as the celebrations occurred in front of the Falcon, silently talking to a medic about Finn's condition as Chewie carefully lowered him onto the stretcher. The three of them seemed very concerned as they watched Finn be escorted away, Fox muttering something small to Han before following the stretcher, assuring the smuggler that he'd be fine accompanying the man. In fact, the defected trooper almost preferred it that way. No attention would be drawn to him, and Han and Chewbacca could settle whatever matters they had with the General.

He had seen the look in the woman who he recognized to be General Leia Organa's eyes as the three of them left the Millenium Falcon- and it definitely wasn't a look that he wanted to get in the way of. Fox was more than happy to leave in that situation.

Rey, the last member of the party, lingered behind the group, trying to figure out what was going on in the midst of arriving at a place she had never been to before. Everything seemed so confusing at that time. She knew that everyone else had different affairs to tend to, but she wasn't sure where she exactly belonged in that moment within the Resistance. However, it wasn't long before all of Rey's worries of being the outsider inside of the Resistance were quelled, a young female Resistance pilot who had survived the attack gesturing for her to come into the crowd, wanting the scavenger's story to be told.

The only person truly left in the party to deal with was Kyra, who was already in the midst of the crowd. She had bounded down the ramp of the Millenium Falcon, hopeful when she saw a familiar black X-Wing landed on a bay not too far from the Falcon. Kyra knew what that ship meant, but now she had to go and find-

"Space Girl!" Poe yelled, Kyra turning around to see him barrelling towards her, BB-8 whirring close behind. The whole world seemed to stop as she saw him coming towards her, a bright sign of joy  in the midst of the Resistance members. Through the entire crowd of the Resistance, Kyra wasted no time in running towards him, tears forming at the edge of her eyes as she saw him, safe and alive.

The distance between the two heroes got smaller and smaller until Poe finally reached Kyra,  the two locking in the tightest hug for a moment. It didn't take long for Poe to immediately hoist Kyra up as the two of them laughed, locked in their tight embrace and happy to see each other again. As Poe spun Kyra around in the air, a smile grew wider on his face, an inexplicable amount of joy swelling inside of him as he lowered her back to the ground.

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