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30 | the art of scraping through

30 | the art of scraping through

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"I thought I'd find you in here."

Kyra turned her head from where she sat in the pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon, Han leaving the ship a couple of minutes before to deal with the aftermath of Leia. They had sat there for a couple of hours, quietly talking about small things that had no consequence to take their minds off things. "You sure it isn't the only reason you came on the Falcon?"

There, in front of her, was Poe. His gaze was just as comforting as ever, a soft smile at the edge of his face as he ran his hands over the worn down leather seats of the Falcon. There was a hidden joy and almost nerdiness that Poe tried to suppress as he inspected the ship, but the fact that he tried to hide it just made Kyra smile even more.

"Yeah, maybe that wasn't the only reason that I wanted to come on here. This ship- it's pretty much a legend in it of itself." Poe admitted, giving a hasty laugh as he gave a quick glance over to where Kyra sat, seeing her smiling at his awe.  He ran his hands over the buttons of the Falcon, looking at the copilot seat that was open, pointing at it. "Can I?"

"Go ahead." Kyra gestured towards the seat, throwing her hand at the chair carelessly. "Han's not here, and I technically have control over the ship until he gets back." She stated, vaguely remembering the words that the smuggler had told her. "He said he trusts me, as long as I don't take her out for a spin while he's handling Leia."

"Ah." Poe settled into the seat slowly, trying to savor every moment of him settling into the chair. The ship- it was a little run down, sure, but it was just how he had imagined it to be. The controls, the piloting system- everything about it was just amazing to even witness. He gave a small wince at the mention of what Han was doing, pity flashing through his face. "I would not want to be in his shoes."

"No one would." Kyra agreed, the stories of the encounters that Poe had with General Organa coming to mind. Some of them Poe had told her himself, while others had slipped out stories and jokes from all of Poe's pilots and other Resistance friends. "I've heard the stories from Snap of how many times you've gotten on her bad side."

"Guilty as charged." Poe chuckled hastily, trying to suppress the memories of all of the times that Leia had told him off for not doing the specific part of the missions that he had been required to do. Even before Leia in the New Republic's fleet, he had always been one to defy orders.

There was an awkward pause after Poe spoke, something that was uncommon for the two who normally had so much to say. Under normal circumstances, the silence would be filled with talking, or at the very least not have been this awkward. But there were things left unsaid- things that had to be addressed between the two.

The Art of Scraping Through | Poe Dameron [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now