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22 || a reunion of sorts


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Whatever planet they were going to, Kyra had no clue. She was just sitting inside of the Millenium Falcon in the seat behind Han, quietly conversing with BB-8 the entire ride there. All she cared about and knew was that the base was in the Illenium System, so she had some bearings about where they were going. After that? It was all a little bit fuzzy from there.

BB-8 had kept her well entertained for the entire ride, the two swapping stories about what had happened during their time at Maz Kanata's fortress. BB-8 had run into the woods following Rey, and had gone on a little adventure of his own while Kyra discovered that she could wield a lightsaber- an ability she had never been able to have before.

BB-8 still wasn't over the fact that she had that lightsaber.

Their conversation was quickly cut off when the familiar feeling of engines rushing to a slow halt  began to rumble underneath them, Han turning around to see Kyra still right behind him. Finn was sulking in the seating arrangement where one could play chess. Han couldn't blame the kid, he had left and when Finn had returned his friend had been captured by the First Order.

Han cleared his throat as he made sure that Chewie was doing everything for the landing, the ship shuddering onto the ground with a resounding thud. They were on the Resistance Base now- and whatever mission that the kids had been dead set on completing was now finished with their arrival. Kyra looked up at the man, who just walked straight past her, nodding his head at Chewie to follow him.

Confused by what the man was doing, Kyra waited until Chewbacca had left the cockpit before she followed them, seeing Finn fall into the line beside Chewie and Han, the four of them falling into a circle. None of them knew what was going to happen next, each of them making eye contact with the other. That feeling of uncertainty kept them all there for a couple of minutes, none of them exact sure of  what to do.

Finn was the first to break from the ranks, turning away from Han and Chewie as he went to lower the door to the Falcon. "I'm going to go out there and see what all of the fuss is all about." Finn stated, trying to keep a somewhat calm look on his face as he did so. "If we're going to get Rey back, we might as well get a head start. I'm going to talk to some of the members, see if we can build up the numbers for a rescue mission." Finn looked over to Kyra, who nodded at him with a small smile.

"Go ahead. Take Chewie with you too. It'll be easier for you to get around with a familiar face to the Resistance members." Kyra told Finn, looking over to Chewie as if to ask his permission to go with her friend. "That is, if you're okay with it, Chewie."

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