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16 || we're "with the resistance"

16 || we're "with the resistance"

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Kyra immediately took a hard right as soon as she spoke, her feet skidding in the sand. There was no other thought in her mind in that moment other than escaping the sort of intimidating girl with the staff. If that girl was told by her droid that Kyra had a nice bounty on her head if she was returned to the First Order- well, then she could kiss the rest of her days in the galaxy goodbye. Not caring to look back at where the girl was charging, Kyra just kept running, able to weave her way through the market stalls and different places inside of the outpost. She started to shove through different market stalls, the surprised yelps of the people just trying to clean up their scavenges for the day following her.

Hoping to slow down the girl, Kyra knocked over some jugs she saw on the table to the left of her as she continued running, not caring to look behind to even see if she was the one being trailed. There was a moment in which she made it back inside the marketplace again, making a risky turn to the left, going around some roaster thing. She wasn't sure what it was, exactly, and quite frankly, she didn't care. All she wanted to do was get the hell off of this planet as soon as she found the droid and Finn.

Speaking of Finn, she needed to find him and regroup, otherwise Kyra would be alone in the middle of a random desert planet. And she was not about to lose another person on this goddamn Western Rim plant.

Frantically looking around for Finn, hoping that he hadn't been lost inside of the marketplace and been taken down by the girl, Kyra didn't notice that the scavenger girl was right in front of her. With one calculated hit of her staff, Kyra went crashing down, falling straight on her behind with a wince.

"In retrospect, the fact that you were probably going after me was obvious." Kyra winced, the rapid speed at which she fell making all of her other injuries more prominent at the moment. Her pain screamed at her, making her let out a groan of pain. "I probably have a bounty out on my head and everything too, so that probably wouldn't help." She grumbled, propping herself up to see who exactly had caught her.

Looking up, she saw the staff pointed straight at her, a girl who looked no younger than 20 staring down at her. The girl definitely looked like she knew the place, and had on ragged clothing. Finn had made her seem like she was a hellbent, when in actuality, she was just a kid. However the look that she gave Kyra, was one that was rather threatening. For the young kid, at least. "What's your hurry?"

"Well, when my friend says that you're charging straight on at the both of us, what do you expect me to do?" Kyra retorted back, rubbing her butt in an attempt to make it less sore. "You want me to get barrelled over?" She fired out, sarcastically rolling her eyes in an attempt to make her seem less butt hurt about the whole situation.

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