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29 | the secrets we keep

29 | the secrets we keep

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Over the past few days within the Resistance, Kyra had learned one thing- there  was nothing more comforting than to wake up to inside of the Resistance base than of Poe's company. He was a figure that was always beside her now, whether that was just by her side introducing her to other people around the Resistance Headquarters or stealing a kiss from her in an uncrowded hallway of the base, her laughter echoing through the hall as they ran off to their next debrief or next place to be.

But this morning- waking up inside of Poe's arms, his hand gently stirring her awake as the sun rose through the blinds of the one small window that his quarters had, there was something more to the comfort that she always felt. It was a feeling that wasn't easily describable, a feeling of ease and warmth that overwhelmed her soul.

Something in the back of her mind vaguely reminded her that this was what home felt like.

No, this was what love felt like.

"Morning." A light and tender kiss was pressed to Kyra's cheek as she opened her eyes, Poe just on the other side of her. As she turned around, Kyra saw the small smile that was on Poe's face, the man just staring at her with a look that she had never been given by anyone else in the galaxy.

"Morning." Kyra smiled back, giving him a light peck on his forehead, pure joy just overwhelming her as she stared at him. She gave a small chuckle as she watched him push back his unruly bedhead hair, his curls almost falling over his forehead as he tried to push them back. There were truly no other words to describe the way that Kyra felt in that moment, her heart full as he laughed back at her.

There was a moment that the two of them just looked at each other while still in bed, just enjoying the other's company. They had fought so hard to get to the moment that they were in now- why would they not savor it?

The light that was softly streaming in from the small window to the right of the bed offered the only light that was inside the room, everything silent and still in the best way possible. The whole setting was something that seemed almost unreal, everything almost glowing under the soft sunlight that was slowly setting in over Poe (and now Kyra)'s quarters.

And there, just across the way from where Kyra was laying, was Poe. His eyes were squinted as the sunlight slowly came in, his hand trying to cover his eyes from being sharply introduced to the sun. His curls were very ragged and bedhead-ish, a smile plastered on his face as he stared over at her, just happy to be in her company.

Kyra could've spent the whole day like this.

Unfortunately for her, a knock at their quarter's doors interrupted their thoughts and time in bed together, the two of them turning to look down the hall to where the source of the noise was- the front door. Poe let out a small groan, rubbing his eyes as he sat up in bed, Kyra already sitting up, placing her hand on Poe's shoulder, a silent indication for him to stay where he was.

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