Shopping | Bucky Barnes

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A/N: I found this on the internet and thought it would be fun to write an imagine about it. I'm sorry for the slow updates. Love you♥️
"Babyyyy!!!.." you shouted from the kitchen.
"We don't have anything to eat! Do you want to go grocery shopping with me?"

Bucky looked at you, a hesitant look in his eyes. You knew he was still scared he might frighten people. That's why he never really went out. He never went shopping or in cafes. You looked back at him, smiling sweetly.

"I think you should really go out. Of course, if you want to stay, it's okay. I understand completely."

At that, Bucky's look changed. His gaze changed from scared and worried to confident yet gentle. He flashed his charming smile at you and motioned for you to sit besides him, on the couch. Giggling, you walked to the couch and plopped on his lap. He groaned jokingly and wrapped his arms around you. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he looked up to meet your eyes. You gently set your forehead against his, putting your arms around his neck. Bucky and you stayed like that for a moment. He then detached his forehead from yours and kissed your exposed shoulder. A slight chuckle escaped his lips when your hands started narrowly tugging on his hair. It probably would've transformed into a make out session if you didn't part away and whispered,
"Mmm... As much as I would like to be naked and breathless next to you, I prefer not to starve this evening."

You both laughed and he moved you from his lap. He leaned closer, kissing your cheek. You giggled and got up. Bucky followed you. You took your phone, the shopping list and the car keys. He took the apartment keys and his phone. You both put on your jackets and shoes, exiting the apartment and locking the door. When you stepped in the cold, you felt someone putting something on your head. Instinctively, you hit the man/woman with your elbow.

"Ouch babe. Natasha's trainings paid off." Bucky said, rubbing his assaulted spot. "Here. Take your cap." he handed you your wool cap and kissed your temple. You apologized and kissed his lips multiple times.

~in the car~

You sat in the driver seat and pulled out your phone.

"Honey, what music do you want to listen to?" you asked, looking up to make eye contact.

"We'll listen to whatever you want, doll." he shrugged, closing the door.

You immediately opened your "40s because Buckybear is adorable" playlist and started the car. Bucky and you sang the lyrics of every song, enjoying each other's company.
While you hit a high note, you felt Bucky's left arm on your tight. Blushing, you looked at him for a second. He was so handsome. Returning your attention to the road, you realized how little every day gestures Bucky did always made you blush. No matter how long you were together, Bucky always made you feel that kind of way.
Like he was reading your mind, he squeezed your tight lightly and hummed the instrumental part of the song.

~time skip~

You parked the car and got out. Bucky wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Handsome?" you called.

"Yes, beauty?" Bucky chuckled.

"I love you. So much," you whispered, hugging him with both of your arms.

"I love you too, sweetheart," he said, turning you around and pecking your lips.

"We're so cheesy. I love it," you laughed.

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