Chapter 7

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I had just finished getting ready I made sure I looked just about perfect. I know he only cares about Chrissy, but it doesn't hurt to look good. :)
Chrissy came knocking on my door, and made a face
"wow, you look really nice.. too nice. We're just going to the movies and to Taco Bell."
"I know" I grab my bag and adjust my smile so she doesn't see my annoyance.
"Okay then, are you ready? We're going to Taco Bell first though."
"Sounds good"
We drove in silence, and to be honest things were still weird between us after all this. I love her, she's my best friend!! I just can't justify what she's done to me as love, because she still wants Nash. I hated that about her, she would break his heart for someone she didn't give the time of day. I look out the window longingly for the feel of the cold breeze. I've always loved cold weather and today it was dark and the breeze had the perfect chill to match my mood. Bitter.
20 minutes later we arrived at Taco Bell, and Nash and Cam were outside waiting for us.
The minute Cam saw Chrissy his whole face lit up, and mine broke down.
Chrissy practically leaped out of the car to meet cam, but her eyes wandered to Nash and I think he noticed. I got out much slower as I gave Nash a knowing look. He shook his head and gave me a hug.
"You look incredible." He said as we hugged for a second, and over his shoulder Chrissy watched with sad eyes. I was staring at Cameron. He looked so good in sweaters, and his eyes were so beautiful they shined a beautiful golden brown. His lips were so nice and big; beyond kissable. His smile was absolutely the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't look away. I had to look away though, before anyone noticed I was fancying him. They walked up to us moments after there greeting.
"So Jessica Chrissy told me that you're a make up Artist for famous people what's it like meeting them all the time?" Cam asked. And my heart lurked in my chest.
"It's actually really fun lots of the people are nice and some of them aren't... But over all I love my job and on the side I take wedding pictures."
"That's pretty cool did you go to school to do photography?"
"No I taught myself." Why can't I just look at him and talk normal!?
"That's amazing."
I didn't feel just butterflies when Cameron was talking to me
I felt a whole damn zoo!!
We all went on talking about random stuff and are our food. It went by smoothly enough.
After we were done eating tacos it was time to go to the movies.
We decided to switch people. Chrissy road with Cameron and Nash road with me. Nash and I got in my car and we turned on some Drake we were dancing and listening to it so loudly I didn't have the ability to think of Cam or Chrissy. As we arrived to the movies they got there first and of course they were standing in front making out.....
Nash and i got out my car and just stood there while they were kissing. The pain seemed to hit me like a bulldozer. I stepped away to the bench before anyone saw me cry. Nash followed me, most likely because he didn't want to see that either. I sat on the bench a lowered my face, letting my hair shield my face from everything. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and not deal with this anymore. "What's wrong Jess"Nash asked softly. I decided to let it all out. Who better to hear this then him?
" Nash I love cameron. I can't do this anymore; I can't pretend I don't for her sake when I had to convince her to stay with him when she found out you liked her! I'm broken because I know that's supposed to be me. I love him so completely that even just the sight of him gives me hope to go on. He's my reason for the day and to go through everyday knowing he only loves Chrissy, even though she didn't like him in the first place. She said she loved you but she broke both our hearts! I'm trying so hard to forgive her but it gets harder every time I see them together." Tears were rolling freely down my face and I probably looked horrible as my makeup ran down my face. "It should be me making him smile because he gives me that same smile everyday." I sobbed for a moment and then I heard Chrissy. "I'm so sorry Jess.."
I looked up shocked, hoping it was only her. But I had no such luck. Cameron stood beside her silently looking to the ground.
"You weren't meant to hear that", I whispered to only myself.
I hope you guys like it so far(:

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