Chapter 5

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I wanted to tell Nash that Chrissy was a Nash girl, but at this point I wasn't sure anymore. Yeah she still might like Nash but she couldn't love him and still chose cam.

I couldn't seem to focus as Nash was talking, I was too busy cringing at the thought of Chrissy with cam. Seconds later I went back to listening to Nash. Something he said caught my attention.

"Chrissy makes Cameron smile, in a way he hasn't in a while."

Has Cameron been sad lately, I thought to myself. This whole time he wasn't as happy yet he did all these things for us for his fans he was to busy making us happy that he forgot himself. This was it, I love this boy. Anyone who puts others first was perfect in my book.

"That's why you don't want to say anything to Cameron, because he's as happy as he's ever been."

"Right" Nash said

"Cameron wasn't himself for awhile... He would put on a fake smile for his fans but behind the Camera he was sad, an I don't want to ruin that for him."

after Nash said that I couldn't ruin it either... He deserved to be happy. My chest tightened and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. A tear slid free as I whispered," I lost him.. Before I ever got to truly have him."

Nash bent his head down and whispered in a pained voice.

" I sadly know exactly what you mean. It felt like I only got to hold her for seconds before he took her away. But I can't bring myself to hate him for it."

I look at Nash, in this moment I was actually seeing him. And what I saw was a heart broken boy, that was lost and alone. The connection we had was real.. He completely gets me, and I feel all the things he feels. I won't let my friend suffer. I'm going to fix this for him.

I grab his hand and smiled brightly at him. "Hey, remember if true love was easy, we'd all have it. It takes work, so don't give up! Keep trying and wait for love to come." I said trying to lighten up the mood.

Nash looked up at me with tear stained cheeks. "I feel like I can talk to you." Seeing him like that made me so sad. He looked broken

"You're welcome."

I said giving a light smile.

I couldn't take Nash not knowing how Chrissy felt about him so I decided to tell him. "Umm, Nash there's something I have to tell you.... Chrissy was a Nash girl.. she likes you. I think. "

"I know, I could tell. She wouldn't stop crying when I met her. But that's what hurts most. She likes me and there's nothing I can do or say." I felt so bad for him! if he wanted to he could have had Chrissy by now but he just wants his friend to be happy. I wondered what it was like to have not 1 but 2 teen sensations love you.... Chrissy just doesn't know how lucky she is. Maybe I should just give up I thought to myself but a voice in the back of my mind ask me "what is love to you?" As I thought about the question it hit me "it's never giving up." I knew I couldn't do anything right now, all I could do is wait. I will fix this..

I got home and saw Chrissy was still up waiting for me, I wasn't as angry as I was earlier but i was still a little upset, I walk straight up to my room before I could shut my door

"Hey I'm sorry Jess,"

I looked at her in surprise, " for what?" I know I sounded like an ass but.. She kinda broke my heart and my trust.

"For everything.. How was your date?" She asked softly

I scoffed and tooled my eyes. "It wasn't a date... We're just friends Chrissy." I could see her lighten up. The happier she got the more anger rose in me. I bit it back as she ran to hug me.

"Thank you" she said with a smile," thank you for not dating or liking Nash."

That was the last straw!

"Chrissy there is only one person in my heart and you took him from me. And you're worrying about me liking Nash? Is cam not enough for you? I trusted you and you took the one guy I have ever truly loved from me. Don't worry about Nash though.. I won't do that to you, I'm a better friend then that." My anger cleared and I realized what I said.

I could see Chrissy got a little teary and I knew she was starting to feel bad but I couldn't let her break Cameron's poor heart. As much as I hated it.. He wanted her. so I quickly changed the subject

"I'm sorry.. Wanna go shopping tomorrow?" I asked her

She smiled

"Yes" she said with excitement

"Okay cool, I'm pretty tired I'm going to go to sleep okay"



I changed into some pajamas and lay on my bed and Lull myself to sleep with familiar thoughts like-

How could I have been so blind?

Where did I go wrong?

And As Cameron was in his bed falling asleep, I was laying in my bed falling apart.

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