Chapter 11

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As soon as I seen that I Calmly set his phone down waiting for him to come back from the bathroom.
A lot had been running through my mind, It was his Ex Ex the girl before Chrissy, I didn't want to believe he was cheating, he was so nice and I don't think he could ever do that but hey maybe it was too good to be true.
As he was walking out the bathroom
"Your phone rang, Ashley wants to know if you're still coming over." While saying that my voice was shaky I was trying not to cry.
He comes up to me,
He kissed me, and That's all it took. In a matter of seconds I would fall under the spell of his lust. His touch is all I fell, his voice is all I hear, and I begin to breath in the very essence of him. With quivering hands, and unsteady breath I become a slave to his powerful desires.
Knowing I am owned by his strong lips, and steady hands. Forever prisoner to demanding his touch.
After awhile of him kissing me
He stopped and took a step back still holding my hand
" there Is noting going on, I'm going to fix this I promise."
He kissed me on my forehead And left.
I was left there in confusion, what needed to be fixed if there was noting going on between them?
I took a deep breath
And told myself maybe he isn't cheating I should trust him.
I texted Nash about Ashley out of all people maybe he'd know what's going on between them I'm sure he'd tell me the truth.

To Nash: Hey can I ask you something?

From Nash: yeah sure what's up butter cup😄

To Nash: is Cameron cheating on me with his Ex Ashley?

From Nash: he said they were still friends she wants to be with him again but he's beyond happy with you. that was like awhile ago he said that why?

To Nash: No reason.

From Nash: you can tell me, we're still best friends you know if you ever need anything I'm here you know that right? Now tell me what happened?

To Nash: Cameron's phone went off while he was in the bathroom and is was from her and she asked if he was coming over with and kissy face emoji.

From Nash: that don't sound like the Cameron I know... She's probably trying to be all cute and flirty with him she can't take the hint. if he says there's nothing going on there probably isn't, he would have told me by now.

To Nash: you're probably right, Nash?

From Nash: yeah?

To Nash: thank you, thank you for always being there and helping me out with some advice.😄

From Nash: no problem that's what friends are for.

I Set my phone down and just lay
There trying to relax but at the same time I'm still worried.
(The day Cameron leaves for tour)

I trusted Cameron after he said he'd fix things with Ashley nothing happened since I haven't seen him really texting anyone.
Me and Cameron were standing there talking in front of his tour bus
He's so memorizing
"I'm going to miss you Jess,"
He says I can tell he wanted to cry
"Please don't cry, I'm going to miss you to so much. I'm going to miss you being by my side, you are my partner in crime."
He grabs me and pulls me to him
"I love you Jessica."
My heart went crazy, he finally told me he loved me, I've been waiting for this moment.
"I love you to Cameron, I always have."
I put my hand on his face, my thumb under his eye catching his tear before it could fall.
He gave me one last kiss before he walked on the bus.
As he was walking away I counted his steps and took one last look at him.

I walked home and again I was alone, Chrissy went to Carolina to meet Nashes parents. Chrissy and Nash so cute together. Minutes later it came to mind, I watched Cameron lose interest in someone he said he'd love forever... What makes it any different with me? I got up quick and Called my friend Alex, I needed to be occupied when I'm alone I can't control my thoughts and I'm constantly thinking of the thought of Cameron and Ashley.
(Calling Alex)
"hey Alex, it's been along time how are things?"
"Well well look who it is, it's been pretty good how about you?"

"They've been alright, are you busy today?"

"I was going to go to a party tonight want to come?"
Maybe a party was what I needed.
"Alright I'll pick you up around 10"
That gives me a few hours to get ready I put some music on showered and started my journey to looking fine😏
We had arrived at the party. Strangers everywhere it was barely 10:30 and people were already blacked out drunk.
This was a mistake.... I went to go find Alex to tell him I'm leaving.
I couldn't find him within 20 minutes so I left.
I took a cab home.
As soon as I got home Cameron had face timed me for what had felt like hours I missed him next to me and it was less than 24 hours that we actually were next to each other.
"Hey babe you know I love you so much right and it took me awhile to say it because I had to make sure and now I'm beyond sure of it, you're the only person that's ever spent a lot of time and effort on me."
"I love you to Cam and honestly you deserve it. And the things you've done for me. The little things, the little moments, they aren't little."
(Next morning)
Got up for my early coffee run as I was telling the guy I wanted I felt a hard tap on my shoulder
I turned around and it was the last person I ever wanted to see...

Sorry for another boring chapter it's going to get better. Things are going to happen

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