Chapter 10

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It was really happening, Cameron wanted to give it a try. As he kept talking everything else was a blur it was like we were the only ones there.
"Let me take you on a date?" He said on a more serious note.
"Okay, when?"
"Right now"
It shocked me how soon he wanted to take me on a date but I was all for it.
I said giving him a smirk
Before we left I stopped and told Chrissy that I was leaving with Cam she gave me a friendly smile
"Have fun"
We both kinda laughed
Me and Cameron walk out the mall hand in hand, at that moment there was nothing in the world that could make me not happy.
"Where are we going" I asked, I was very thrilled.
"It's a surprise" Cam said with a cheerful smile
As we were walking he was telling me about his life, I loved hearing him talk, I loved hearing stories about his life, and the spontaneous things he did but most of all I loved how his face lit up when he talked about meeting his fans. It made me feel better because I was a fan, I still am. You can tell Cameron loves what he does and his fans were everything to him. He was one of the ones that stayed humble.
"We're here"
I looked up
It was a ice skating rink
"Uh Cameron I don't know how to ice skate....."
He pulled me
"I'm going to teach you baby girl"
I shivered with happiness when he called me that.
We got our skates on I almost fell but he caught me.
"Woah there" he laughs
"I told you I can't skate"
"I won't let you fall, I got you."
"Pinky promise"
"You're so fucking cute, I pinky promise" he says pinching my cheek.
With that we intertwined our pinkys.
By the time it was over I was just as good as him but I played it off like I still wasn't as good because I wasn't done with him holding me, it felt like home.
We got in the car and he drove me home. He was singing to me being so cute I could feel my face getting red.
We arrived to my house and he opened the car door for me.
We stood there in silence but it was beautiful.
Eventually he went in for a long kiss.
He kissed my lips like they were air and he couldn't breath.
He's a very passionate guy
I was a lucky girl.
He walked me to my door
As I went to turn the knob
He pulled me back
"Wait I don't want to say goodbye yet, I know I've spent hours with you today but it felt like only minutes"
I grabbed his hand and I pulled him in my house and walked up stairs.
I had noticed that Chrissy still wasn't home, she was probably still with Nash, I was happy for her she finally got her Prince Charming and I got mine. Memories still come back from time to time of Cameron and Chrissy but I had him now, he was mine.
"Only been together for a few hours and yore already having me sleep over" cameron said smirking and grabbing my ass.
"Oh shut up," I said laughing.
The rest of the night we just watched tv and eventually fell asleep.
(2 months later)
Me and Cameron have been together for 2 months already and I have not been sad since, it still felt like a dream. He was so sweet and he loved spoiling me even though i didn't really want anything, he was enough he was all I needed.
I got up an smelled bacon Chrissy was making breakfast. She and Nash have been together for awhile to.
"Good morning Jess"
She said while doing her breakfast dance.
We sat down, it was a little awkward neither of us were really talking. It had been about 5 minutes later when Chrissy had broke the silence
"How are things with you and Cameron?"
"Really good, he's amazing."
"This is going to be a weird question but I'm just going to go right ahead and ask, have you guys like did it."
I choke on my drink and laugh really hard.
"Did it? You mean have we had sex yet? We're 19 We can say sex"
"I know but it's weird to say that word, but have you?"
"We haven't yet, I am still a virgin but we've only been together for a couple of months. I'm waiting for the right moment."
"What about you and Nash?"
She looked down and smiled
"And you didn't tell me before? I'm your best friend you're suppose tell me these things."
"I didn't think you wanted to know"
"It was your first time of course I want to know, any other time after you can keep it to yourself."
We both laughed
"So when do you think the right time will be with Cam?"
"Honestly I don't know but I can feel it's close."
"So do you and him have any plans today?"
" He's coming here to hang out before he goes back on tour again. This time it's going to be more than 1 month I don't know what I'm going to to."
"You will be okay, I'm sure he will fly back and visit you even if it's for a few hours he will make a way to see you."
"Yeah you're probably right" I said feeling lost
"Nash isn't going on this tour he's staying here and going to be in a move."
"He's going to be in a movie? And he didn't tell me? We're still best friends what the hell that little fucker."
I said upset stabbing my pancake with the fork
"I thought he told you"
"No not yet, well he did call me a week ago but I forgot to call him back maybe that was it."
After breakfast Chrissy left, I got in the shower and got ready
Cam comes in with a giant teddy bear
"Babe" he said as I turned around
"It that for me?"
"Yes of course, he's going to keep you company while I'm gone."
I Ran to give Cam a big hug. I didn't want to let go. He smelt so good to I always love they way he smells it made me feel safe.
After hanging out and messing around for a few hours Cam leaves to the restroom
When I heard his Phone go off if was form a girl name Ashley.
(Text from her)
Ashley❤️: hey you still coming over tonight?😘
*with a kissy face emoji*

This chapter was probably boring but it's because it's added up to the interesting action that's going to happen.

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