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     On Thanksgiving day, Evelien made it to her family's home in the Netherlands. She called me on video chat, and as soon as she started talking, BB ran into the room.

    "Hey babe!" She smiled. "I know you're there, and I'm here... but I'd still like to introduce you to some of my family.." She flipped the camera to show her parents. "Say hi!"

"Hi! It's nice to meet you.. even if it is through a screen. I'm Seán... Evelien's boyfriend.." I introduced myself. Her parents started speaking in their native language, so I was unable to understand.

"They said it's very nice to meet you, Seán. How long have you and our daughter been involved?" Evelien translated, then answered their question. "About a month.... Okay, now they asked if you are also an Internet personality.." I nodded. "How's everything going there?"

"I think BB is adjusting to my place pretty well. He found where to do his business... he chills with me.... we've had our dinner..." I explained. "Hey.. Hey BB.. Boss man... Say hi to your mommy." BB looked at my phone.

"Hey Boss," she smiled. "Be a good boy for Seán for the month, okay?" BB started purring. "Aww good boy.." Evelien looked away for a second. "I've gotta go, babe.. But I'll talk whenever I have the chance.."

"Sounds good.." I smiled. "We'll be missing you! Right, BB?" He meowed. "You heard it from him... Yes."

"Okay, I really gotta go now.." She said. "Even though I'd much rather stay online."

"I.. I love you, babe.." I smiled and blew a kiss.

"I love you back," she blushed, and then giggled when she caught the kiss.


When Christmas time rolled in, I made sure I had all of Evelien's gifts wrapped and ready for her to open when she returned. She told me she had gifts for me she had hidden at her place, but she had gotten me a few more whilst away. On December 26, I showed up at the airport, waiting impatiently for my gorgeous girlfriend to come into view.

"Waiting for someone special?" Felix popped up behind me.

"What the hell.. Felix?" He laughed. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm picking up my parents... which.... should be here by now.." He looked around. "There... okay, I'm gonna have to catch you later.."

"That's alright, man.." I chuckled. "Say hi to them for me."

"Will do!" Felix said, running off.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm looking for my boyfriend.." I turned around, and there she was. "I missed you babe.." She hugged me tightly.

    "BB and I have been talking.. and we decided we want you to stay in this country.." I smiled. "God, I missed you like crazy.." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close.

    "Well then... let's get out of here.." Evelien grinned. "I wanna give you your Christmas presents!"


     We stopped by her apartment to grab presents before heading to mine where BB was waiting for us. As soon as I opened the door, BB meowed enthusiastically, seeing that his owner was back.

    "BB! Were you a good boy for Seán?" She knelt down to pet him. "I missed you, too buddy... I just wish I could see both of you as often as I want.."

    "Well... when does is your contract up?" I asked, and she turned slowly to look at me. "You heard me.."

    "It's a year lease... I moved in in October.." she said.

    "What're your plans after October?" I smiled.

    "I don't know.."

    "I would love to have you and BB live here." I saw her eyes light up.

    "So we're planning on this being a serious thing?" She teased. "Long term.."

    "Well have you seen yourself? Of course I would want this beautiful woman to be in my life for a long... long time.." I kissed her gently.


We exchanged presents, and realised that the majority of them were video game theme except for one gift I had for her.

"What.." Evelien started to say as she opened the box. "Seán.. It's beautiful.... wait... That picture.." Inside the box was a locket necklace encased in white crystals and rose gold. Opening it revealed a picture of the two of us. "Is that.."

"The selfie we took when we first met.. Yeah.." I smiled. She started to tear up a bit. "Aww babe.." I held her in my arms.

"It's been... a really long time... since I've felt loved.." Evelien sniffled. "But.. I don't think I've ever felt this loved.." She started to smile as I kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you.."

"For what?" I looked at my girlfriend as she wiped away tears.

"For agreeing to meet me that first day..." she started to speak. "For taking a chance on me."

"If anyone was taking a chance on someone..... I questioned why such a... beautiful... confident.... intelligent and strong woman... would want to have anything to do with me.." I said. "But then we started talking... and flirting.." We sat down in my lounge. "And I can't possibly imagine a time when I was this happy, Evelien.."

We changed into Christmas jammies before getting too comfortable. Evelien laid her legs across my lap, curling up with me. I grabbed a blanket, and BB thought it was for him. As she relaxed more and more, I became more relaxed as well. We watched a few Christmas movies, but I noticed she had fallen asleep half way through one. I couldn't possibly disturb her, so instead of waking her, I carefully picked her up. I laid her down on my bed and got into bed next to her.

"Hey.." She woke up slightly. "What time is it?"

"Close to midnight," I said. "You can go back to sleep.."

"I love you, Seán," she whispered into my ear. She cuddled up to me, using my chest as a pillow. "I sometimes have nightmares.."

"It's okay," I brushed my hand through her hair. "I'll protect you." As she closed her eyes, I whispered to her. "I love you, Evelien Smolders.."

Forever Isn't Her ✹ Septiishu/SepticgabWhere stories live. Discover now