Chapter 4 - All a Blur

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I reached for the stranger's hand while he gently pulled me up.  I looked into his eyes trying to see who it was because it was hard to see his face with the lights out. He looked so familiar with his big blue eyes and his voice. His breathe warmed my cheeks.

''Come on let's take a look at you at my apartment.'' '' Uhh okay '', I say with tears streaming down my face. He holds me with one hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder, he was basically lifting me because I could barely walk.The stranger opens the door and we head down the hall and up the elevator. Once the elevator started to go up my head started to spin. I started seeing stars. My kness hit the floor like rock bottom. The stranger knelt down and picked me up bridal style. I saw the elevator floors on the scale go higher and higher until we reach the penthouse.

When we stepped out of the elevator I looked up at his face. I was trying to wonder who was carrying me. No good with all the stars and blurryness surrounding my head. It's okay we are almost there. His voice is soothing my pain. He stops at a door. Knocks twice, pause, tap four times. The door quickly happens.

''Hey man..... woah what is she doing here? '' Tell you later just help me.'' The other man takes me from the stranger and puts me on the couch. ''UHHHH....'' I groan in pain. The stranger tells me I'm going to be fine. I try to stand up but I fall back down on the sofa. ''Don't worry'', the man says. ''Man you know we are not allowed to bring random girls in the apartment.'' ''I know but she needed help,'' the stranger said hurrying grabbing bandages, cloths, and a first aid kit. '' I'll explain later.'' He said. ''Should I tell the guys?'' ''No! Not now.''

He rushes to my side and puts a pillow under my head. He starts trying to prop me up. I try to help but it hurts too much. ''It's okay don't worry I'll take good care of you.'' I trust him and the only thing I remember is staring into his gorgeous eyes with little light shining from behind,and tears streaming down my cheeks.

I dream that I was on my first date with Tanner. The fair. We were on the Ferris Wheel when he told me he loved me. I thought that was the happiest day of my life.

 Then I'm suddenly in Tanner's apartment. I'm sitting on the couch. Then suddenly he appears standing in front of me. He's holding a knife in his hand. He looked infuriated. Uh Oh! I think.

''Tanner why do you have a knife?'' I ask. '' Shut Up!'' He said while he quickly slashed my face. I fell to the floor. He stands over me mercilessly laughing and mocking me.''Please...don't do this,'' I pleaded.

''Too bad.'' He tries to stab me but I kick his shin. Tanner yelps. I crawl to the door, but he climbs on top of me and grabs my neck. His grip starts getting stronger. I think this will be how I die, and no one can save me.

My kicking and hitting dosen't help. They start to stop.My vision starts going out on me.The last thing I saw was his pleasant smile upon his face like he finally had victory.

Endless Lies From Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now