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Welcome reader! 

If you clicked on this book, you are in for a treat! This is my very first book that I wrote, back in 2019. I also wrote this on the world's slowest PC. (It had an i3 core). Despite all of this I managed to write something semi-decent. Over time I've gotten better, both at writing and cover design. No, this was not the first cover. I can't even find the original cover, but it was bad.

This is fanfiction, written based on Grian's demise game. I got more creative as time went on, don't worry!


I am also considering revising this with better writing skills now and possibly selling it. We shall see!

Quick note: As this is a realistic version of Minecraft there is some violence. It's scaled down but there are things like arrows and blowing up. I'm not graphic with it but if the thought of it makes you squeamish you probably shouldn't read this. Check out one of my other stories!


Demise (Old Edit)Where stories live. Discover now