Love's a War (pt 2)

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Katherine knocked on the lodging house door. The lights were off.

After waiting, she knocked again, beginning to panic.

This time, a yawning Race opened the door. His blond curls stuck up in all directions, and his eyes looked tired. "Kath? And... Friend of Kath? Why're ya here? Is everything okay?"

Katherine nodded, then shook her head. "Can you go get Jack?"

Jack was not expecting to come down to the main room of the lodging house to see Katherine, accompanied by a dark haired young women he didn't recognize.

"Uh, hi, Kath."

Jack sat down across from her. "So... who's your friend, Kath? And why are you guys here? I thought your dad said-"

"I'm Lucy," said the older girl. "And we aren't exactly on speaking terms with our father right now."

As the sisters began explain, some other explanations were taking place elsewhere.

Ten year old Clara Pulitzer, the youngest Pulitzer child, appeared in her father's doorway. She yawned. "Papa, where's Kathy and Lucy?"

Pulitzer looked up at his tired daughter. "What do you mean? They're in their rooms."

"No, they aren't. I looked."

Pulitzer stood. "What?" He thought back to Lucy's earlier words; "Goodnight and goodbye, Mr. Pulitzer." But she hadn't been serious. She couldn't have been.

Pulitzer briskly walked put of his office, pushing poor little Clara out of the way. "Katherine! Lucy!" He bellowed.

Clara picked up an envelope on the floor with her name on the front. It was in Lucy's elegant handwriting, and Clara felt a rush of excitement when she opened it.

Dear Clara,

We're terribly sorry we had to leave you, dear. However, Father is being a bit of a self righteous-" Here a word was heavily blotted out; Clara tried to see what it used to say but could make nothing out. She eventually gave up and continued reading. "If you need anything, the address is in the 'spot.' If Father should happen to get ahold of this letter, we would like to inform him that we would not be lodging at the newsboys house, so he needn't go after Katherine's fiance; he will not know we are no longer living with Father- not for the time being, at least. Behave yourself and eat right.

Love, Lucy and Kathy.

Clara hastily shoved the letter into the pocket of her dressing gown as her Father stormed down the hall. "I must meet with Mr. Weisel and the Delancys in the morning- Beatrice, arrange a meeting, would you?"

Beatrice, the old maid who had lived and worked in the house since she was a child, made a decision. "No, Mr. Pulitzer. I can't do that."

Pulitzer wheeled. "What did you just say, woman?"

"I said I can't. I've seen those girls almost every day since they were born- I love them like they were my own. So does everybody in this house.
'Cept you, apparently."

"One more word and you will be on the street tonight!" Bellowed Pulitzer.

"Then on the street I will be, Mr. Pulitzer," Beatrice answered calmly. "But I will have lost my job protecting those that I love with all my heart. Not including you," she added distastefully.

Pulitzer opened his mouth to retort, then shut it. He turned to Clara. "Clara," he said softly. "I know you know where they are. Please tell them to come home. Tell Katherine she can marry. Tell Lucy I'll try to do better."


Two weeks later, Jack and Katherine left New York for their honeymoon in Santa Fe.

Tensions between Lucy and her father were still high; however, from that moment on, the Pulitzer family got along quite well.

Yes I know I promised an update a few days ago but um basketball and finals kinda got in the way... here we are though!

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