Part 4: Luke's Chapter

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(I feel like we should know what's going on in Luke's head and how things are going for him. So every once in a while I'll make chapters like this so we know how Luke feels.)

A few days had passed and I've been up late every night FaceTiming Skylar. I woke up at 5am for an interview with Mikey. I really shouldn't have stayed up so late talking. I took a shower, quiffed my hair, and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and sent Sky a good morning text.

"Mikey are you ready yet?" I banged on the door to his room.

"No this hair takes time, Lucas Robert!" Michael yelled through the door.

"But it always looks like bed head anyway, so why does it take so long?" I questioned.

He peaked his head through the door and smirked, "now that is a secret my friend."

I went back to my hotel room and made a bowl of cereal. While I was eating, my phone went off. It was my mum.

Liz:Don't forget you and Mike have an interview with MTV today.

Me: I know mum. I'm waiting for him.

Liz: What are you going to say if they ask about Skylar?

Me: I don't know. I'm trying to think of the right thing to say. I really like her mum. Why are you up its late there. Go to sleep

Liz: you still got a little bit of time. Hurry up and get over there. And Ik I just didn't want you to miss your interview.

Me: okay. Love you.

Liz: Love you too.

When Mikey finally finished getting ready the car took us to MTV's studio in New York. Traffic wasn't too bad since it's only 6:30am.

When we arrived at the studio we followed a guy to a room where tons of fans had shown up to see us. This is going to be awkward talking about a possible relationship forming. This thought made me nervous. We took our seats and the camera came on. The interviewer did the intro to the show then announced us we walked in waved to fans and signed some autographs and took our seats.

"Hi guys. I'm Mia. We are so happy to have you on the show today." She smiled.

"We are happy to be here." I replied.

"So Luke sorry to get to this question first but we are all dying to know, who is the girl you posted a selfie with on Twitter?" She held up the picture. Which also happened to be the background on my phone.

"We met her at the concert in Phoenix. She won a contest to come back stage. Her name is Skylar." I replied.

"You boys were spotted at a water park with her the day after that concert, did she win that too?" She showed pictures of us.

"No we sort of hit it off with her. She is such a nice and cool girl. We just wanted to hang out with her again." Mikey replied. "Lucas here has a crush."

I was blushing so hard.

"Right now we are just friends." I said nervously.

"Aww Luke!" The fans screamed.

"Maybe one day we could be more. If that's okay with you guys." I continued.

"We support you no matter what!" One fan yelled.

"We want you to be happy." Another screamed.

"Noooooo!" One yelled.

"Who ever just yelled no is heartless. Can't you see this girl makes him happy. Yes we all wish we were her but we aren't an whoever she is, she is one lucky fan. Go for it Luke we all support you." Another girl yelled.

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