Part 8: Sparks Ignite

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"You girls ready for the show?!" Luke asked as he walked into the dressing room.

"I'm always ready!" I smiled.

"I've never seen you guys live before," Logan blushed.


Luke chuckled," are you singing with us again?"

"If you want me too." I giggled.

"You are also singing 'Teenage Dream' before we end the show with 'She Looks So Perfect," he said really fast then turned and left.

My jaw dropped.

"Don't mess up or I'll disown you." Logan smiled, turned, and left.

'Well fuck me' I thought to myself.

I put out my red sundress, sliver sparkly vans, and a black blazer. I curled my hair then did my make up. I added red lipstick then walked out. Logan grabbed me and pulled me back into the room, slammed the door, and locked it.

"What?" I said.

"Hey you look less ugly then normal! Now make me hot for Mike." Logan said then did some weird shimmy thing.

"Okay bae I'll dig through my suit case. I got it!" I said excited.

I threw her my gold studded leggings, my black high-low tank top, and my favorite all black converse with gold accents. She found a flower crown and put it on.

"I'll kill you if you ruin any of that!" I threatened.

"I'll kill you for breathing! Shoo shoo I must go! Away I must you mustn't come adios muchachos!" Logan said with a ton of arm movements and walked out the door.


"Whyyyyyyy. Uuuuuggghhhh." Logan said, plopping on the couch and crossing her arms.

I bumped her hair then pulled it back into a ponytail. I did smokey eye make up and finally topped it of with clear lip gloss to highlight her rosy pink lips.

"Damn bitch you look hot!" I said in shock.

She looked at herself in the mirror, "Dang I'm hot. Selfie time!"

We took two selfies. She posted one insta and mine went on Twitter under the caption 'ANOTHER @5SOS CONCERT!!!! Rock our socks off boys!'.

We were just about to leave the room when the boys came in. Their jaws dropped. We just ran out of the room smiling and yelled good luck.

We took our seats in the front row while fans piled into the venue. We over heard a few girls complaining about Luke and I and making fun of Logan and I's selfie. I was going to just blow it off but then Logan just went off.

"Okay first off if you love this band so much you should support their choices no matter what. Second off you talking about my best friend and nobody, and I mean NOBODY messes with my best friend. We look so god damn hot in that selfie and just because you can't look that good in a picture doesn't mean you can try to put us down because of it. The words that come out of your mouth are just meaningless words that I don't worry about and if you can't accept the fact that your favorite band member is with someone else, grow up. We don't get everything we want in this world and you need to accept that." Logan said and flipped her hair.

"Bitch." the girl said under her breath.

"Thanks babe. Back at ya!" Logan smiled and walked off.

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