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After about ten minutes, Trisha woke her to tell her they were stopping on the side of the road to pee. She got up and was in the tall grass instantly, using it and wiping herself with the toilet paper she brought, then tossed it a few feet to Trisha, who was doing the same.

"You guys talk to mom lately?" she says pulling down her dress and making sure the buttons were secure before walking to the car, sifting through the small box at her feet and pull out a water for each of them before sipping her own.

"Told her we'd be home for break." Darry says as he approached the car as well.

"did you listen to her voice?" Trisha asks as she got in the car.

"Could you specify?" Darry asks as she got in, then she paused when she saw the trash bag tied up at Maggie's feet and pulled it open.

"Oh you are a real class act you know that?" Trisha asks throwing it closed again.

"Hey, you live off campus." Darry replies as she sat back up.

"You ever try doing laundry in a dorm? Whatever they don't steal, they dye pink. I've got like 12 pairs of rosy pink jockey shorts." Darry says as Trisha removes the air freshener from the mirror and sticks it in the bag. Maggie giggles and ties the bag off, stuffing it under the seat and sitting back as they start to drive again.

"Thirsty?" Maggie asks handing two bottles to them, who thank her and drink. But Trish still continued on.

"hi mom, haven't seen you in forever. Here's my dirty shorts." Trisha grumbles as she glares at Darry while he drives, placing her bottle in the cup holder.

"its for her, not me. I have to bring home laundry. If I don't, she gets all depressed." Darry says as they continue down the road.

"She thinks I don't need her anymore or something." He says taking a sip of his drink while driving.

"I think maybe something's wrong." Trisha continues as they speed down the road.

As they spoke however, Maggie caught a glimpse of an old church that was nestled between a tiny set of large trees, almost hiding in plain sight. As she looked at it, she noticed a truck and her small smile left her lips, replaced with one of pure horror. There was the driver, picking up something that looked like it was wrapped in a bloody sheet out of the back of the double doors and walking away from it, dumping it in a large pipe beside the truck. This made Maggie's hair stand on end.

"Guys...." She mutters. This got the two's attention and Darry slowed, seeing the man pull another sheet wrapped lump from the truck.

"it's beating you." She whimpers.

Just then the man pauses, seeing them look at him from the road. He looked at them a moment, throwing the sheet into the pipe as well before walking away from the truck, standing still as he watched them drive away. Maggie couldn't make out his face but he looked ominous with that dirty trench coat and that floppy hat, covering a deep red shirt and black pants. She felt like he was staring at her, so she looked away and saw her older siblings sharing a look while they drove again.

"What the hell was he doing?" Trisha asks.

"he dumped something down that pipe." Darry says while Maggie's lip began quivering.

"Wrapped in a sheet."

"Wrapped and roped in a sheet."

"Wrapped and roped in a sheet with red stains on it."

"a body... bodies..." Maggie whimpered.

"just get us out of here." Trisha demands.

"Maggie, grab my cellphone." Darry says. Maggi shakily looks through his bag, getting the phone out just as she turned around. Then she gasped shakily.

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