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Maggie sat in the back while Darry sat in the passenger seat as Trisha drove down the road. She kept biting her thumb and her leg wouldn't stop twitching.

"How'd he get to the church and back to the diner so fast?" Darry asks.

"What the hell was he doing with your clothes? Why did he take Maggie's underwear?"

"he drives fast, but not that fast." Darry adds.

"...Maybe he can leap tall buildings in a single bound." She jokes.

"that's not funny Trisha." Maggie whimpers.

"Well he'd have to be superhuman otherwise the smell would have killed him." Trisha says eyeing her brother before Darry snorts a little, Maggie smiling a bit for once.

Maggie ignored them for the rest of the drive, closing into herself as she rubbed her cold legs, tucking them into her dress and leaning on the window. She couldn't help but feel a weird feeling in her gut that something bad was gonna happen. And after today, it wasn't too far-fetched. As Trisha turned the radio on and started switching channels, something came on that made Darry stop her and turn back.

"Jeepers..." it sang.

"That's the song." Darry says.

"What song? What are you talking about?" Maggie says sitting up.

"The lady on the phone, she said if we heard the song then something bad was gonna happen." Darry says.

Yup, trust the gut.

"That's the song, the words are the same, listen." Darry says.

"Jeepers creepers, where'd you get those weepers." The song continued.

"What does that even mean?" she asks.

"She said if the song played then something was gonna happen, this is it!" Darry says just as something hard landed on the hood of the car.

They all screamed, braking hard and swerving a bit, seeing the cop car swerve as well, barely missing them as it flew in front of them, turning and whipping around before coming to a stop a few feet from the Jenner car. The siblings shared a still look before they got out of the car slowly, Darry standing at the door as Maggie crawled out and was quick to follow Trisha, walking past her to the car where Trisha stopped and looked around while Maggie slowly approached the car.

"Officers, you ok?" she asks walking right to the door. Trish gasped as she saw the severed head of the officer in front of the car and then noticed someone in the car. It couldn't be the officer, and Maggie was walking right to him.

"Maggie, stop!" Maggie paused, looking back at Trisha just as the door opened, unnoticed by their little sister.

"What?" she says. Trisha's eyes widened as the figure emerged from the car. Darry saw him as well and clung to the car as he shouted to them.

"Maggie, run!" Darry shouts just as Maggie turned around slowly.

There stood the man, eyeing Maggie as he slammed the car door, looking at Maggie as she stepped back, whimpering in fear as her wide eyes looked him over. He was huge, bulking muscles beneath a deep red shirt, tattered trench coat and long white hair that hung down his shoulders. He was strange looking, his face hard and gray, his hands the same look with long nails that came with it. He was terrifying, yet interesting. What was he? Could he possibly be human?

He stood not a foot from her, but he didn't approach. He merely gave her an unreadable look before smiling slowly and turned around, walking away to the severed head of the officer and pick it up. He tucked it under his arm and turned back to Maggie, who took the opportunity to get up and run to Trisha, who had the door open for her and dove inside, ducking under the back seat while the other two watched from the front. He huffed out a sigh and his shoulders slumped as he watched her leave before turning his attention to the head. He flipped it in his hands and sniffed at it, licking the cheek.

"Go... go now..." Maggie whimpers as Trish turns around and starts the car, pulling away as he turned back around to stare at her.

He grinned once more as they drove away from him, enjoying the little game of cat and mouse. Maggie saw him lift his hand and wiggle his fingers with a small wave at her, causing a shudder to run through her. he was smiling again. She ducked down with a sob and curled up at the seat of the car, crying with her eyes pinched closed.

As he watched them drive away, he looked down at the head. He sniffed it and hummed, bringing the lips of the cop to his own, gripping the tongue inside and pulling hard, ripping it all in one piece and swallowing it down, groaning as the tongue dissolved within him, bringing the fresh tongue to his own dried dead one and he licked his lips, feeling the moisture build in his mouth. She will enjoy this new tongue. He went to his truck he was hiding and put the body and head inside before shutting it. His wings extended, taking off into the night sky.

No more messing around, time to claim what is mine.

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