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While the three siblings drove down the road and back to the church, Maggie pulled on her sweater as Trisha drove down the road to the church, pulling into the dirt drive and parked the car. They sat in silence a moment before Darry got out of the car, looking at Maggie, who bit her lip.

"Maggie?" he asks, holding out his hand.

She gulps a minute before nodding. She cursed her curious tendencies as she got out of the car and followed Darry to the pipe. Then they heard the other door shut and saw Trisha walk up.

"Lets just get this over with." She says crossing her arms as she walked with them to the pipe. Maggie cringed back at the stench that came from inside the pipe, along with the others as they approach.

"ugh, doesn't look like a sewer pipe."

"Doesn't smell like one either."

"Come on, you can't see anything down there." Trisha says about to walk away.

"Wait, I see a light." Maggie suddenly says.

"I'll go get a flashlight." Darry says.

"Hello?" Maggie shouts down the tube. "Anybody down there?" she called again.

"you hear anything?" Darry walks up, turning on the flashlight and moving Maggie aside so he can peak through the pipe.

"Not yet." She says.

"Hello!" he calls. Then he pauses, perking up and shuffling closer.

"Wait, I heard something." Darry says.

"Your hearing things Darry." Trisha says. But he ignored her, shaking his head and began to climb up onto the pipe.

"Darry don't even think about it."

"Darry!" Maggie shouts holding his shirt back.

"I told you I heard someone." Darry says climbing into the pipe a bit.

"You know the part in scary movies where somebody does something really stupid and everybody hates them for it. This is it." Trisha says holding his arm.

Then they all paused, hearing a quiet yelp, like someone who used their last breath to call out. There really was someone down there. Trish and Maggie shared a look.

"What the..." Maggie says releasing her hold on Darry's arm.

"Here, hold my feet."

"Darry don't!" Maggie whines but he was already laying there, peerng into the pipe and calling again.

"I cant see, I need to get lower. Maggie come here."

"Uh uh, you are not getting me in that thing."

"Come on, they could be seriously hurt!" he shouts. Maggie sighs, biting her lip and climbing in after Darry.

"Maggie no!" Trisha shouts as she took her little sister's arm.

"Look, just grab my ankles ok. I'll hold Darry's feet and we'll be out in no time." She says and lays down, grabbing hold of Darry's shoes and holding tight, sliding down the pipe a bit so he could see better while Trisha had a hold of her own feet.

"See anything?" Maggie grunts.

"I see some movement. I think it's a mouse." Darry says.

"Ew what!" Maggie groans, then she gasps.

Suddenly she felt something tiny, hair and with whiskers tickling the back of her thigh right below her bottom. She shrieks, kicking her feet to get it off while letting go of Darry's feet. He shouts, sliding down the pipe while she was also released, slipping down as well while Trisha, who had a rat thrown at her face, shrieked and fell backwards on the ground. The two youngers slid down the pipe and landed hard on the sand below. She landed hard, nearly knocking herself out as she fell face first into the sand. She coughed and spit out the sand while Trisha shouted from above.

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