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Maggie woke with a start, gasping as she sat up quickly, panting as she stared into the dark. The familiar smell of blood hit her nose instantly and she groaned in disgust before covering her nose, attempting to see through the dark. There were sounds of water hitting pipes, steam and clanking of machinery in the distance. An old factory maybe? And where was that guy? Did he actually leave her alone?

She slowly slid off the table she stood on, nervously feeling around for her bare foot before she suddenly felt a sting on her foot and she yelped. A sting hit the heel of her foot, sending her scrambling back up onto the table. Whimpering in pain, she lifted her foot and saw a piece of glass almost as thin as a needle sticking in her foot. She looked down now that her eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting, she gasped at the sight below her.

All around the metal table, broken glass that were shattered so small they could break while in her skin causing some serious problems. Maybe even die. She gulped as she looked at the one in her foot. This was gonna be hard to come out. If she pulled it out too roughly, it could shatter in her body and pierce her insides.

Just as she considered pulling it out, she heard a squeak and her head lifted instantly eyeing the figure that stood on the other end of the room. It was him; he was dressed in his dirty black pants and boots, followed by his torn jacket and hat. He slowly approached a small end table as he shut the door with his foot, flicking on a small lamp on top. The room lit up and Maggie took a split second to look around. It was a metal room with a worn leather couch in the corner, a stand with a record player on it and another table across from her. Her lip quivered as she saw the many tools and needles and thread on the table.

Her attention went back to him as he looked her over. Then he inhaled deep causing his eyes roll in the back of his head, almost savoring the smell that lingers in the air. Then his eye shot open looking straight to her foot and move forward. A bag that she hadn't noticed was in his hand it first, sat down beside her as he walked to the table to get a cloth and a pair of scissors, hopefully for the glass in her foot. But before he turned back to her, he paused turning to the record player on the stand and gently flicking it on. Suddenly a song came on, a upbeat jazzy sound irrupting from the horn of the player.

As the music played, he removed his coat. Maggie flinched as he tossed the heavy coat onto the chair beside the table he stood at. He was still a moment, as if listening intently to the beginning of the song. Maggie took the time to look him over since he apparently was taking his time with killing her. He looked like he got a sunburn from satan himself. But despite the skin his body was quite trim. His back was actually pretty sculpted, hard and muscular with what looked like dried skin covering it. His hips were slim and his ass-

Maggie shook her head and blushed furiously. What the hell was she doing? Eyeballing the guy who killed and eat people for a living?

When she managed to turn her gaze back to him, she almost groaned in both aggravation and fear. He had turned back to her in the middle of her inner turmoil. He reached up and took his hat off of his head placing it beside the record player and then walked to her again. She flinched when he grabbed her ankle suddenly almost too fast for her to see and inspected it in his hand. His skin felt like leather, rough and hard yet warm to the touch, like a hard working calloused hand of a man. But he wasn't a man. She didn't know what he was.

Maggie assumes he wasn't going to hurt her, so she forced herself to relax under his touch, waiting for him to make the next move. He watched as his bent down to one knee almost ignoring the shards of glass as he inspected the wound. Then he surprised her by suddenly latching onto her foot with his mouth. A slight yelp sounded from her throat making her jump a bit but her ankle stayed firm in his grasp. She watched as he began to lick the small wound on her foot, which tickled, but she made no move to pull away for fear of what he may do. Suddenly he pulled away, the glass shard stuck between his slightly reddened lips and she blinked in surprise. She looked down at her foot and slowly wiggled it, finding there was no pain.

Maggie eyed him a moment as he spit the glass onto the floor to join the others before walking away. She couldn't help but make a face at his back. Of course he was confident in her lack of escape, he gave her no way to. The glass spread about 4 feet, too far for her to jump off the table and land without injury. She sighed as he shrugs off his coat and turned her face away, only catching the action of him removing his hat in her peripheral vision and placing it in a hook before turning to the table at her side. She watched him sit down and pick up a spindle of thread before nodding his head nonchalantly to the jazz sounds.

Jeepers creepers where'd you get those peepers, keepers creepers, where'd you get those eyes?
Gosh all get up, how do you get those lit up, gosh all get up, how are you hypnotize!

Maggie was confused. After all this death and slaughter all night long, he just sits there and acts like nothing happened, just sees like it's a normal day for him. What was wrong with him? Finally Maggie found the strength to speak, wetting her lips and gulping hard before turning her body to him.

"Why did you take me?" She asks.

He pauses, not quite looking at her as he slowly sat his thighs down, his head and shoulders stiff and bent, almost like he was considering it. Then he turned, looking her up and down slowly as if taking in every detail of her. Her dirty worn dress was ripped in places, her sweater, once a soft cream yellow was a dingy brown, her shoes missing thanks to him, and her wild soft hair a mess around her face. He smiles slowly and stands, startling Maggie while he approaches her.

Then he stood before her, his boots crushing the glass in quiet cracks and pops as he leaned forward, inhaling the scent he took from her neck. She shook as his hands braces on either side of her hips, his fingers slowly feeling the fabric of her skirt as she hugged herself. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to do something but he just stands there, sniffing and rubbing his nose against her. Eventually her body began to respond, sending her small quivers down her spine as his nose dig deeper into the nape of her neck. She couldn't help but shudder, which made him smile wide. He pulled away slowly, his once deep pale eyes that were terrifying to look at, was now a deep blue hue, staring deep into her eyes as his warm breath fanned her hairs. She suddenly felt smaller, the room fading away into nothing as her body thrummed with unexpected excitement. She pinched her eyes closed again and turned away.

"Your a monster." She whimpers.

She heard nothing, only felt his hands and warmth fade away as he stepped back. The sound of the song was only thing she heard. Suddenly she felt nothing, not the piercing gaze of his eyes, nor the menacing aura he possessed. She opened her eyes and blinked in surprise, he was gone. She sighed, voluntarily falling to her side gently and letting her head rest on the table as a million questions ran through her mind. But only one stood out; what was that feeling?

Jeepers, where did you get those eyes?Where stories live. Discover now