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Maggie panted as they made their way through the winding halls of the police station. Soon they came up to a set of double doors that were locked, all the while hearing gunshots from afar.

"Shit! This is your way out? They must lock automatically if the power's out." Darry says.

"You didn't know that?" Trish says.

"I don't dream everything!" Jez replies.

"This isn't everything this is our way out!" Trish shouts.

"It's not like watching a movie, honey there are parts missing sometimes." She explains.

Then suddenly it went silent. This made the siblings even more concerned, banging on the doors to try and get them to open.

"We have to get out of here now." Trish grumbles as they continue to try and open the door.

"There's no other way except the front." Jez says while Maggie paces back and forth nibbling her thumb nail.

"But the front door is out, why don't you dream up something useful?" Trish shouts.

"I thought if you knew what I saw maybe you could change it. Why the hell do you think I'm here?" Jez shouts back.

"Enough!" Maggie shouts, quieting them all. She faces jezelle, taking her hand.

"You know don't you? You know which one of us he wants."

"I dreamed this." Jez replies sadly.

"What's gonna happen?"

"you will run up the stairs and hide but I don't know what happens to me. he speaks to me he says something to me. Like...'don't keep her from me again'." She explains.

"Keep who?" Trish asks.

Jez sadly looks her shaky eyes to Maggie, who breathed out a heavy sigh and covers her mouth, turning away from them. Darry had enough, grabbing jezelle by the face and shaking her a bit.

"Are they ever wrong? Your dreams, are they ever wrong?" Darry says shoving at jez who was in tears.

"You don't understand." She tries to say. But then they heard a growling, almost a clicking. They gasped, all seeing the creeper hanging on the wall. Maggie shrieks as he began to crawl on the wall towards them.

"Maggie listen to me, run. Get upstairs now!" Jez shouts. Darry grabs Maggie's hand but Maggie pulls away.


"Go honey!" She shouts as he inches closer.

Eventually Maggie allowed her brother to drag her up the stairs. Jezelle knelt down, cupping her hands and saying a soft prayer as he got closer but when she didn't hear him, she looked back up and saw he was gone. She stood slowly, confused. Then a hand grabbed her neck, pulling her to him as he growls in her ear.

"Don't you ever keep her from me again." He growls, shoving her to the ground and disappearing up the stairs after the siblings, ready to claim what was his.

The three made it to an interrogation room where Darry set Maggie down in the corner and locked the door, pushing the chairs and table against it while Trish tried to open the large window on the other side of the room. Maggie stood, looking around the room before walking slowly towards the glass double sided window. Her reflection told her she was haggard and she whimpered, trying to wipe her eyes and press her hair down before groaning in defeat, pressing her forehead against the window with her hand beside her face, suddenly feeling exhausted. All of this madness made her so tired.

Unknown to her, he was on the other side, trying to smell her through the glass as he put his own hand alongside hers on the glass, breathing heavily against it. He needed her, craved to touch her skin. To taste her... But what was inside her, he didn't necessarily need. He needed all of her, but in a way he hadn't felt in years. He snarled, slinking back down.

Maggie was suddenly yanked back by Darry, who held her shoulders.

"Maggie listen to me, you need to stay close to us-" he couldn't finish his sentence, the door busted open with a loud crash, sending the table and chairs across the room. He stood, growling and clicking angrily at the three.

Darry grabbed a chair and raised it over his head, charging at him. But in an instant, the creeper knocked him out of the way and to the broken door, knocking him out. Trish held her sister behind her, but was too tossed across the room, hitting her back on the wall and crumbling to the ground.

Maggie whimpered as the creeper took her neck, choking her lightly as he pressed her against the wall, his face pressed to her neck and inhaling her scent. He shuddered against her, causing her to shriek and push at his leathery feeling chest but he didn't budge, only pushed his hips into her own, trapping her to him as his tongue slid out, gliding across her neck and up her chin. She was crying out at this point, tears running down her cheeks and he licked them up, even going as far as kissing her eyelids with a menacingly gentle touch. While he did so, his groin ached deliciously and the friction she was causing between them... He growled in her ear and she froze, feeling something jab her hip and she whimpered.

Then suddenly the double sided window crashed into pieces, a chair had been thrown against it, revealing the officers with guns and padding on, ready to fight. He growled, grabbing Maggie by the waist and pressing her against his chest while he stepped back away from them towards the window.

"What the fuck is that!" An officer shouts.

"Help me! Please!" Maggie shrieks as she tries to pull away but he had her locked in his grip, holding her waist with one arm while his other hand wrapped gently around her neck, not too hard so he could still hear her breathing and screaming.

Then suddenly, strange hook like limbs lifted from his head, displaying a large webbing around them and he roared a high pitch scream, so loud it made Maggie's ears go numb and she herself screamed in pain.

"Maggie!" Trish shouts as Darry comes to and hops up, pushing past the officers and to his sister's side.

"Get your hands off her you son of a bitch!" He shouts. The creature replied by roaring again and splaying out his wings, flapping them as if to fly away any second.

"Take us instead!" This surprised him, looking to the older sister as the little one struggled in his grasp.

"You don't want her. Take us." She says.

"Yeah, were stronger, we won't fight you." Darry adds hysterically as he slowly put his hands up.

"No!" Maggie whimpers, pulling on his arm.

He looked down at the young woman in his arms, who was still in tears and trying to pull away. It was true the boys insides did smell delicious, but he needed her, he couldn't just give her away. He then grinned, adjusting his grip on her and flapped his wings faster, ignoring her shouts and swats as he threw his arms under her legs, pulling her up into his arms, cradled her bridal style.

"You let her go!" Darry and Trish shout as he flung himself away, breaking through the glass and flying off into the air.

"No!" The siblings rushed out the door, down the hall and outside, following their baby sister's screams.

"Help! Trisha! Darry!" They heard as they watched him above, flying faster through the trees.

"Help!" She screamed one last time before suddenly, it grew quiet.

The two got through the clearing of trees but saw no sign of their sister or the creature. They were both gone. Maggie was gone. Darry fell to his knees when they saw the two were gone while Trish screamed up into the sky in pain.


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