Friends, right? (F. Weasley)

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"Shut up Carrot-Top."

"Shut up Carrot-Top," he mocked me in a high pitched voice that was nothing like mine.

I narrowed my eyes at Fred. Slapping his head, I muttered something along the lines of "what an idiot."

I had been friends with the twins ever since our first years. It had been a long and merry six years now. However, Godric would be surprised at how many times Fred and I get into arguments. They don't even have to be something logical. Sometimes we just fight over whose handwriting is better.

Just to make it clear, its mine.

"Ow!" He exclaimed while rubbing the back of his head, "You're stronger than I thought."

I smirked in satifaction.

"Godric at least let us eat in peace," George said with his mouth full of stew, "Go get a room."

"HEY!" We both yelled back in annoyance.

Did I like Fred? Maybe. Was I Gryffindor enough to risk it? No.

So we hung around like friends, constantly ignoring the awkward tension that sometimes built up.

"Why don't you go along to snog Sia?" I smile mischieviously and put another chicken piece in my mouth.

"Yeah, I'm sure the Hufflepuff table won't mind a visitor," Fred continued leaving George red with embarassment. Luckily, that was enough to stop his talking for the entire dinnertime.

Fred pov

Potions. Aka the worst subject to exist. I walk inside the class –actually more like groan and complain all the way while George drags me to my seat. For some reason he didn't mind the subject much.

Oh wait. I knew the reason. We shared it with the Hufflepuffs.

I fingergun at Sia who noticed us walk in. She rolls her eyes and continues to talk with her friends. Meanwhile, I get a painful pinch from George as we sit on one of the last benches.

"So when are you going to ask Rhea to the yule ball?" George pipes up casually.

I give him one of my best what-the-heck faces. "Uh never? I don't like her in that way." That might have been a straight out lie. But it's not like I ever had a chance with her. I heard that she's got a thing for one of the Slytherins.

"Tell that to the googoo eyes you keep making at each other. Every. Single. Day."

"There's no-" I say all ready to tell my brother that there was absolutely nothing between her and I.

However Lee interrupted me as he sat down at the table behind us, "Sorry Freddie-boy but I heard Eric Macnair already asked her out."

That bloody Slytherin.

The Hogwarts Life (A Harry Potter Imagines and Oneshots Book)Where stories live. Discover now