Captain for a captain (O. Wood)

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Omgggg this book just reached 1k!! Thanks you so much guysss! I love each and one of you so muchh!! I mean it ahhhh 💖

I thought a double update would be a good way to commemorate this accomplishment. So, enjoyyy ahhhh <3


Oliver POV

The wind blew her jet black hair ferociously as she shot a quaffle straight into the middle hoop. Smiling smugly to herself, she attempted to do a backflip. She twisted her body so inexpertly that I felt the sudden urge to go up there and hold her to prevent her from falling. And I almost got on my broom to do so, but she quickly regained her balance and sighed as she shrugged with defeat.

Her smile soon returned as she narrowed her icy blue eyes at another quaffle prancing about beside her.

She truly was gorgeous.

Not only could her skills compete with those of professionals (although I admit some of her broom stunts needed work) but her concentration and commitment to quidditch was truly something else.

After all, she was the Ravenclaw captain: Jocelyn Jones. I dreamily sighed, in my head of course.

"Stop staring at her, Wood."

I shook my head quickly and blinked. Embarrassed, I turned towards the smirking George beside me.

"I wasn't staring at all, Weasley," I protested with a lie drawing out the word 'staring' for emphasis, "You see lad, I was just seeing what kind of moves the Ravenclaws have got and-"

"Oh, and what kind of moves have we got, Wood?"

I turned around to meet the amused green eyes of Jocelyn. She stood there holding her broom beside her. She was barely two feet taller than the broom which reminded me of her adorable short height. Her head tilted to the right as if she was challenging me. I raised my eyebrows at her sudden appearance and when Fred, from my left, had elbowed me in the ribs, it occurred to me that she had asked me a question.

Oh. Right.

I quickly regained my composure. "Well clearly not very good ones." raising my eyebrows, I gave her a mock smile, "Considering the fact that you can't even get a simple backflip right."

Her jaw dropped slightly and her eyebrows knitted slightly. "Go away, Wood." She said sternly and rolled her eyes.

"Actually, we booked the field." I say waving my thumb to the rest of the team behind me, "So, if anyone is leaving it's going to have to be the eagles, alright lassie?"

Jocelyn tilted her head up with a small challenging smile. She put her right arm on her waist, her other hand still clenching the broom."

You know what? We aren't going anywhere. So, if you're up for a match to see who keeps the field-" She challenged with a small smirk playing upon her lips.

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