Tutoring lessons with the redhead (G. Weasley)

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Lol this is a long one..

If a word existed that would describe my current situation, I wouldn't have been able to find it.
Because the only word that was on my mind now was 'Ughhhhhhh...'

It was an average Thursday for most fifth years, except me. Professor McGonagall had asked me to come to her classroom after lunch. My proud ravenclawness thought it was obviously to congratulate me on how well I am doing in my classes. Well it was quite the opposite, it seemed.

"Ms. Erkins," the professor started,"Do you know why you were called here?"

"Uh.. no ma'am."

"You see Ms.Erkins, you have been a very bright student. One of the brightest, really."

I gave a small polite smile. However, this just made me more uneasy. There was most definitely a 'but' coming.

"But you see.. All your grades are perfect. All except one and I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about. "

Transfiguration. I groaned internally. I honestly didn't see the point in such a subject. I mean even the most basic transfiguration didn't make sense. Why would I ever want go turn an animal into a goblet? It'd be so much easier to just buy one, honestly.

I looked down at my shoes and tries to avert my eyes from meeting professor's. So much for being a bright witch.

"I think your OWLs average could potentially raise higher if your transfiguration improved. So I have decided to assign you a tutor."

Impossible. Like my non-existant transfiguration skills can ever impro- wait did she just say tutor?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Professor Mcgonagall. A stupid know-it-all tutor was the last thing I needed. Anyway, who was it gonna be?

"Sorry I'm late, Prof!"

I whipped my head around to look at a tall redhead. Oh it was one of the Weasley twins.

Did he require a tutor, too?

Mcgonagall raised her eyebrows in a way which was basically Mcgonagall for 'explain yourself!'

George (Or Fred I have no clue) nervously scratched his head. "Uh-you know Prof, just pranking dear old Snape."

After noticing my slight chuckle, the boy cheekily winked at me. I rolled my eyes in response.

Stupid boys. Incredible cute but stupid nevertheless.


We both turned our heads together to the professor. However, ironically I looked much more embarrassed than him.

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