Make me (R. Davies)

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"Uh..toads tail?"

"No, Alicia!! Toads EYE!"

I groaned. Roger, apparently the smartest one in my potions class was tutoring me. I was clearly lacking behind due to my.. well, complete lack of interest. He was one of my good and I daresay cutest friends, so I didn't mind his sessions much.

Both of us sat in the gryffindor common room. The aura of the library bored me, so it was either this or the ravenclaw room. After much hesistation Roger had agreed to come over here.

"Come on, we have been doing this for an hour..!" he complained, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, sorry if I'm not as smart as a Ravenclaw, Davies." I said punching his shoulder which made me realize how close we were sitting.

"Well, sorry if what I said hurt your damn gryffindor pride, Wood." he shot back.

Speechless, I just squinted at him in annoyance, "Let's just move on to the next one."

"You're cute when you're angry. " He stated bluntly which caused a blush of surprise on my cheeks.

"Shush it Roger."

He smirked at me and I swore to avada myself later because that was better than sitting redfaced with your crush smirking at you.

Could this situation get any worse?

"HEYA LITTLE SISTER!" Came the voice of my overly loud brother.

Damn those words.

You'd think the people in the common room would turn around to see who shouted but they were used to it by now. It was the Gryffindor commonroom.

He sprinted from the boys staircase and after giving me a sly smile he sat right in between Roger and I. And oh please, he did it way too mock-casually to be true.

"Oliver." I acknowledged.

I didn't look forward to what was coming next. I didn't have to wait long. He ruffled my hair-something I truly despised- and questioned calmly (as if it was completely normal to embarass your sister in front of a boy. Godric, I was going to get him for this), "So, whacha doin', sis?"

"Don't you have somewhere to be Oliver? Or somewhere I can banish you to?"

"Nope. I've always got time for my baby sister."

I smiled tightly murmuring, "I'm 16." 

"Sure, kid."

I swear I heard Roger hide a chuckle.

Suddenly Oliver turned to him.

Giving him a suspiscious look he stated more than asked, "Oh, is this your boyfriend?"

Before I could say anything Oliver grabbed Roger's chin and started examining him which made me slightly giggle at Roger's flabbergasted face.

"Green eyes, dark brown hair, innocent looking, looks about 5' 6"," my older brother went on, "But really Ally, a Ravenclaw?"

Did I say giggle? Ya no, I was full on glaring at him with embarassment now. When was this going to stop??

"Hey I am just making sure that he's the one for you." He reached out to ruffle my hair again but I slapped his hand away earning an innocent pout from him.

"By the way," he started to say looking at Roger, "Did you know that little Ally here, wet her bed until she was eleven?"

Red. Bright tomato red.

What's red?

My freaking face, apparently.

Oliver chuckled along with a hesistant Davis and I refused to look either in the eye.

Oliver then checked his non-existant watch and said he was getting late for practice and sprinted off after flashing me a self-satisfied grin.

My lips thought faster thamln my brain as I tried to explain the behaviour of my idiotic brother.

"Uh-well, he, erm isn't usually like, you know, like um this," I stammered.

"Its okay," Roger replied with that lopsided smile that gave me butterflies, "Besides, you look adorable when you're flustered."

"Shut up already." I said embarassed and started twirling the quill in my hand.

"Make me."

I put down the quill. Composing myself again, I raised one eyebrow teasingly, "Are you daring me to kiss you in front of the entire common room, Davies?"

We were back to normal.

"Well am I? I just heard that Gryffindors never turn down dares." His green eyes seemed to challenge mine and I refused to look away. I raise one eyebrow at him in hopes to wipe that beautiful smirk off his face.

I finally give up.

"Just kiss me already, you git!" I say as I crash my lips against his.

It went longer than I expected but hey, I wasn't complaining.

I pulled away when the situation sank in. I smirked in response to slight pinkness of his cheeks.

"Dare completed. Should we move on to the essay now, Davies?"

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