Mine forever now (B. Weasley)

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Lol I'm sorry the title seems a wee bit weird but it'll make sense at the end. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but in this story the age difference between Bill and Ginny is 11ish years.

Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments and be sure to vote if you like it!

So ya.. enjoy :)


"Skyler, can I talk to you about something?" came the adorable little voice of 11 year old Ginny.

Ginny, Bill and I were currently sitting on the dining table in the Burrow; all of us doing things of our own. Bill was working on a research paper on the unforgettable curses while I was skimming through the headlines of the daily prophet. Even though we were doing our own things, still so, Bill had absentmindedly intertwined his left hand with my right under the table.

Across the table, the youngest Weasley was coloring in a Gryffindor logo with the crayons (Muggle ones. The kind didn't ever bounce around squealing at the child that she kept scribbling outside the lines) that I gifted to her last Christmas. The rest of the Weasleys all also seemed to be in their usual flow of normal routine. As normal as a day of summer holidays in the Weasley household gets. There were obviously the occasionally the pops and fizzes that were heard from the twins' room who had just discovered some potions that even second years were allowed to make by themselves.

"Ofcourse, Gin!" I smiled to the younger girl who I had to admit had topped the list as my favorite Weasley. I'd say my boyfriend of 7 years came to a close second.

"In private please?" urged the small girl. Her mouth formed a pout matched her furrowed eyebrows in the direction of the boy beside me.

Bill shot his head up at her words, and raised one of his eyebrows at his sister who refused to look into his eyes. He then turned towards me for some explanation but I simply shrugged in response.

"C'mon Gin, I'm your oldest brother. What do you need to hide from me?" Bill cooed as he put his quill down, his expression still confused as to why his little sister would ever want to hide anything from him.

I rolled my eyes and freed my hand from his hold, earning an adorable irritated look from him. I elbowed him in the ribs and indicated with my the thumb of my other hand for him to leave the room.

Bill pouted in the strikingly similar way Ginny always did and started packing up his stuff. Just as he was about to leave, he pointed a finger at his sister to declare, "Hey! If this is about some boy then let me tell you, you're not allowed to date until you're at least 25!

"But you're 23 and have been dating Skylar for eons, now!"

"That's different."

I heard Ginny let out an annoyed 'hmph' as a response to her brother's declarations. I urged Bill to leave with a glare indicating he was making things worse. He did so, but only after doing the 'I'm watching you' sign with his hand at Ginny.

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