Study date (S. Black)

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Knock knock

I waited impatiently with a half smile. This had been the third time knocking. Did the boys move to Africa or something?


My face brightened up to see my sleepy boyfriends rubbing his eyes. I shook my head. Did I really expect Sirius Black to wake up at a decent time on a Sunday?

After he had finally established his proper eyesight, he looked startled. But soon that expression was replaced with a lazy smirk and he gave me an amused greeting, "Heyy.."

He leaned his right elbow on the door frame and looked down at me, "What are you doing here?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Did he want me to leave? Wow such a gentleman.

Probably after noticing my annoyed face, he stopped leaning against the frame and put both his hands up in surrender, "Not that I mind of course."

I gave his chest a hard push and rolled my eyes as I walked inside the dorm. "We decided to study for Potions together today, you doofus!" I said as I put the books on Sirius' bedside table.

The rest of the boys seemed nowhere is sight. Guess they were all early risers and I was stuck with this boy.

Sirius closed the door with one hand while the other rubbed the part where I had shoved him. Who said Hufflepuffs were weak?

He turned towards me scratching his head, "Oh.." He bit his lip trying to remember, "that was today?"

As hot as he looked right now with his cute messy hair, his white shirt with the upper two buttons he always left open from habit, plus that goddamn lip bite..

We needed to study.

Control yourself, Walters. Just because he is your boyfriend doesn't mean you need to kiss 24/7.

"Just sit down Sirius."

Knowing how easily irritated I get, he did as he was told without much hesitation. I took the textbook from the pile of books on the table and opened it.

We went on exchanging questions (well I mostly asked them while the average answer I got was uh the thingy of the thingamajig). Until-

"Are you even paying attention, Black?"

I looked at him sternly while he pouted and smiled like an idiot.

"C'mon love, I'm bored.. "

"It hasn't even been five minutes, you know." I walked towards the table to pick out a transfiguration textbook, "Maybe you should do another subject."

I looked through the textbooks and picked up my favorite subject: History. Just as I was about to turn around-

A shiver travelled through my back as I felt two arms slip around my waist. Sirius buried his head in the crook of my neck and hugged me from behind. "Or maybe I should do you," he whispered in my ear and even if I couldn't see his face I knew he was smirking infuriatingly.

I turned around towards him, his arms still wrapped up around me. I stared at those beautiful brown eyes, "Stop with the innuendos, babe.." I tried to say as nonchalantly as possible and yet my face was a such a bright shade that I bet Arthur's hair would be jealous.

"Only for you." To which I gave a small smile in response.

He leaned down towards me, our noses almost touching, "Kiss me?"

"I swear your puppy dog eyes are gonna be the death of me one day." I mumbled before I closed the space between our lips.

My hands wandered to his soft black hair. Gosh he needed to tell me what shampoo he used. His hand cupped both my cheeks and I couldn't help but melt into the passionate kiss. I bit his lip to annoy him and he let out a small groan to which I smirked momentarily in response until I pressed my lips to his again.

Without breaking away from the kiss, Sirius picked me up bridalstyle back to his bed and laid me down. He suddenly pulled away and just looked at me as he sat beside casually like nothing had happened. I lay down on the bed with an irked face.

It was my turn to pout at this abrupt gesture, "Babe, kiss me.."

Sirius grinned as if that was all that he wanted to hear. And he got on top of me and the snogging continued.

We deepened the kiss as we muttered small 'I love yous' in between. I smiled against his lips.

Helga, I truly loved this boy.

"Merlin's beard! I said no PDA, Padfoot!! "

We broke apart and sat up straight, albeit a little dishelved, and as if on cue we both held the most innocent looks and pouts.

I raised my eyebrows to see James lack of a shirt as he stood there with only a towel on his waist. I wouldn't say I wasn't impressed.

Suddenly all I could see was darkness and black.

I groaned when I realized my eyes were being covered by a jealous Black. "Sirius!" I complained as I tugged at his hand.

He ignored me. "James, I know you just came out of the shower but go get some clothes on. My girlfriend's over, you know."

Only after I heard some shuffling around was I allowed to finally see the light..

I rubbed my eyes to see clearly, still annoyed at the doofus beside me. He gave me an even more annoyed look by narrowing his eyes at me, probably thinking about the way I was looking at James. Aww, he didn't have to worry about anything.

I whispered in his ear as I put a arm around his waist, "You're so stupidly jealous sometimes, Black." He still kept pouting but he instantly brightened up when I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Ugh again with the PDA people..!"

I looked at a now fully-dressed James who was currently sitting on his bed putting on his left sock.

"You only mind because you wish you were snogging Evans." Sirius shot back.

James feigned hurt while putting a hand on his chest.

I chuckled, "You know speaking of Lily, I heard her say that she actually might be interes-"

Before I knew it James ran over to Sirius' bed hopping on one leg as he seemed too excited to even bother to wear his leftover sock.

"I'm sorry Pads, I need to borrow Vanya."

"For Godric's sake Prongs, she's my girlfriend!"

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