Chapter 1: Introduction

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(Artwork above is mine)

    "Be careful sweetie. Have a good day" a yellow Labrador said with a smile as she watched me go towards the door.

"Thanks mom, I will" I replied with a soft voice as I looked at her with a smile.

"Oh, Remember to ask your teacher or your friends for a little help on your work" a Dalmatian called from the kitchen. I chuckled as I just started for the door.

"Don't worry dad, I will." I trotted out the front door, my tail held high in the air before I continued down the side walk. Another day of school, but I like to view it as another day to hang out with my friends.

I smiled as I slowed down as the school was only a few steps away. I looked through the many different teenage dogs who were of a variety of breeds. I continued to search through them till I found my small group that consisted of four, including me. I smiled and wagged my tail slightly before I walked over to the group who greeted me with smiles and happy faces.

"Hey Maddie" Elijah, a greyhound husky mix said softly.

"Maddie!!!" I chuckled as Bliss, an Akita Aussie mix, got in a playful stance, her tail wagging like crazy as a bright smile was on her face.

"Glad to see you again" Ronan, a malanois said with a smile and a wag of his tail. His breed is often confused for a German Shepherd which is what I am. I am a panda German Shepherd. Well, Panda is just what my coat is called.

"Hey guys" I said with a smile as I waved at them, my tail wagging. "How are ya'll today?" I tilted my head a little but my eyes never left my three friends as we stood in a circle, almost square position.

"We're good, you?" Ronan had answered for the three of them, his chocolate brown eyes looking at me.

"I'm good thank you" I responded. We went quiet for a little before Elijah spoke.

"I wonder what we are going to be learning today" he looked towards the school building as he spoke, his light chestnut eyes then trailing from the school back to us.

"Eh, who cares. I mean, seriously, when are we going to be using anything we learn" Bliss scowled, rolling her sky blue eyes.

"You cook and read right?" Ronan spoke with a serious yet curious tone.

"Umm, yeah" she answered.

"Then you use measurements and you read the instructions" he pointed out causing Bliss to go quiet for a while before we all just laughed.

"Well, we should probably head in bef-"

"Hey Mutts!!" I groaned as I heard the voice. I was hoping to avoid the mutt haters today. Bliss looked at the black border collie named Eden and his twin who was a blonde border collie named Sunny.

"What do you want?" Bliss's tone had a harsh edge in it and I couldn't blame her but at the same time I really didn't want her to start a fight with Eden and his group.

"You already know mutt! Or are you too dumb to remember!" Sunny snarled as her ears were pinned. Bliss growled at that insult and made an attempt to charge at Sunny. I snarled as I stood in front of Bliss and looked at her shaking my head before I glared at Eden and Sunny who now had all their other followers standing beside them.

"Leave us alone purebreds. We don't want any trouble today" I snarled but I remained calm as I remained in front of Bliss to keep her from pouncing on Sunny who was smirking.

"Trouble? There is always trouble when mutts like you are here" a golden retriever named Jewel snapped. Bliss snarled as she glared at Jewel and Sunny who just smirked.

"Says the hot headed purebreds who always cause trouble here" Ronan shot at them, leaving all of them frozen.

"How dare you! Your a purebred too!!" Sunny glared at him but she hesitated to speak.

"Yeah, so?" I pinned my ears a little as I snarled at them, causing most to back away.

"We may be pure bred dogs, but they are dogs too! There is no different. Now leave us alone!" My tone was harsh causing Sunny to cowardly back off with Jewel while Eden stood his ground. He was about to speak when the bell rang, signaling that class was starting soon.

"Later mutts" Eden snarled before him and his group walked away. I snarled and so did bliss as we all watched them.

"Why must they hate those who aren't pure of a breed? It's not like we are any different" Ronan sighed.

"Agreed. They just want to act like royalty instead of spoiled brats that they are" Bliss snarled. I sighed as I wished that wasn't the case with every dog towards those who aren't a pure bred.

"We should get to class before we're late" Elijah sighed, his ears lowered a little.

"Agreed" I nodded before we all started for the building doors. We walked into the school and over to a class, just as the second and final bell rang. I doubt you would like to know what went on in class, but if you do, It was just the usual. Teased and bullied as well as the usual lessons. Nothing very special at all.

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