Chapter 11: Unleashed Anger

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"Get off of her!!"

Aaron and I both jumped at the words that were shouted. I watched a white furred body jump from my left and onto Aaron, pinning him to the ground and growling loudly as she glared at Aaron who whined and lowered his ears.

I watched as dogs came running out of the forest, Ronan and Elijah in their wolf forms as they rushed to me. "Maddie!"

I looked at the others in shock before I looked at Aaron who was still on the ground, Bliss snarling as she bared her teeth.

"Get off of him Bliss!!" I growled as I glared at her, my ears pinned and teeth bared as I shifted. Bliss looked at me with fear but she snarled back and looked at me.

"But, he's a ShadowFighter! You know, the ones who threatened Timmothy's life!"

She snarled but she soon stopped as I continued to growl. "I said, get off of him! I will explain but get off of him!"

Bliss snarled but she got off of Aaron, her ears pinned before she perked them. I walked over to Aaron who got up and looked at me in shock. "Your blood, is active?! Mom didn't tell me that."

I only chuckled before I looked at my friends who looked so confused. I watched Alaska, Pearl, and Jasmine make their way to us, Alaska's ears pinned as he growled.

"Finally! Some action! I call this dog!"

I growled as I stood between the Alaska and Aaron, growling. "If you lay a paw on him, I will hurt you!" Alaska whimpered as he lowered to the ground and looked at me full of fear.

"Maddie, why are defending a ShadowFighter?! They're our enemies." Alaska sounded confused and angry as he snarled at me.

I continued to glare at him as I growled. "Because, not all of them wish to fight with them. That includes him."

Silence fell upon all of us as we only looked at each other. Aaron, seemingly becoming nervous with the silence smiled as he looked at me. "Your Sangre blood is active?! That's so cool! Mom only told me you had it, not that is was active or not."

I smiled as I looked at him than my friends, Bliss walking over, sniffing Aaron a little. "Wait a minute. Is this?." She trailed off as her golden eyes turned to meet mine.

I nodded as I smiled. "Everyone, this is my brother, Aaron."

Aaron smiled as he waved to the group. "Nice to meet you guys. I'm guessing the three Sangre are your friends?" He looked at me as I continued to smile.

"Yes, the white wolf is Bliss, the blonde is Elijah, and the brownish wolf is Ronan." I watched as my friends all looked at each other than Aaron, their eyes full of shock.

"But, how? Did your mom have another pup after she kicked you out?"

I was about to explain when Aaron put his paw on my shoulder. "You guys need to get out of here. The patrol is coming."

I nodded. "Alright, be safe."

I was about to leave with the others when Aaron bit my tail, causing me to Yelp. "What the?!"

Aaron spoke quietly as Bliss snarled at him. "Nock me out. If I'm seen conscious and without any scratches, I'll be considered a traitor."

I nodded but stepped aside as I looked at Bliss. I knew she had no troubles doing what he needed her to do, while I would hesitate and not do it. Bliss let out a growl as she scratched his side before nocking him unconscious. I watched Aaron fall to the ground before me and Bliss took off just as the patrol made their way to where Aaron was. Bliss and I caught up to the others and continued running before we split up so we wouldn't bring the ShadowFighters straight to our base.

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