Chapter 12: We're Done!

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I don't know how long we were traveling, but we traveled far enough that it felt like we were on the other side of our home town. We were careful while traveling as there were ShadowFighters patrolling the area. We didn't go to our parents house as we knew we would risk getting ourselves caught or worse, putting our families in danger. We just wondered around till we found an abandoned and run down house to rest in.

All four of us were laying down on the floor, our ears relaxed but I could tell all our paws hurt cause I know mine did. I sighed as I licked my sore paws, my ears and muscles relaxed a little, my paws relieved to have a break from all the walking.

"Next time, can we please not walk so far on one trip? My paws ache..." Elijah whined a little as he did he best to keep the pads of his paws off the ground.

Bliss looked at him with a bit of concern before she smiled a little. "Yeah, we can. I didn't even know we traveled as far as we did."

"Me either. Guess we were just concerned about getting far away."

"Was leaving really the right choice though?" Elijah had his head tilted to the left a little as I looked at Bliss who looked at me.

"Well, I feel like it was best. Besides, those dogs have no right to treat everyone like they are just worthless bugs. There's no point in being around dogs like that even if the others are nice." I sort of regretted my choice of wording but at the same time, I didn't.

The others seemed to agree but I could tell that Elijah and Ronan didn't really want to leave the resistance but I didn't know why and I didn't ask.

We fell silent, our eyes looking at each other as we wondered what and if the others would say. Eventually, we just kept silent before i noticed the sun beginning to set.

"We should get some rest. It looks like the suns starting to set."

Bliss nodded in agreement. "Alright, Goodnight everyone." She yawned before she laid her head down between her paws and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight," the boys both said before they laid their heads on their paws and closed their eyes.

I watched my friends fall asleep before i smiled and laid my head down. "Goodnight."


My eyes opened to the feeling of someone pawing my shoulder. I took in a harsh breath as I lifted my head from the ground looked at Bliss who jumped but laughed afterwords. My breathing was short as i had coughed, the harsh breath i took in surprised my body. "Haha, good morning!"

I finally got my breathing to calm down before I glared at Bliss, my ears relaxed. "Really? You had to scare me?"

Bliss laughed as she watched me, not saying a word and she didn't have to. All i could do was laugh as well before I stood up, stretching my legs a little.

"You should have seen your face haha, priceless!"

"Bliss is right. The face you made was pretty funny," Ronan chuckled as he was sitting down, his tail swaying a little.

"Ha ha very funny guys." My voice was a bit deep but I couldn't help but smile.

All three of us began to laugh, smiles on our faces as our tails wagging a little.

Our joy was interrupted as Elijah trotted in, his body stance seemed like he was scared yet calm. I watched as Elijah trotted over to us, his eyes a bit wide. "Umm, Maddie, Someone's here." His voice was very low and a bit shaken yet he didn't seem like he was so scared he was ready to run.

"Who's here?" Bliss spoke quickly with a sharp tone, her ears slightly pinned.

Well, we didn't have to wait for long. Next thing I knew was that a very familiar dog came walking in, his ears perked, a slight smile on his face. I relaxed and smiled as he sat down, his tail wagging like crazy. "Hey sis!"

I could feel the tension and anger lessen in the room as we all realised that it was Aaron.

"Hey Aaron. What are you doing here?"

"And how did you find us?" Bliss had her head tilted to the side, her ears perked yet relaxed.

Aaron smiled and laughed before he spoke again. "Well, one, Maddie's scent is pretty easy to track for me, two, my Sangre blood may not really be active but I can still smell and hear a lot more than normal dogs, even hound dogs such as coonhounds."

"Huh, I didn't know that was possible with those with the inactive blood of the Sangre Bloodline."

Aaron smiled as he wagged his tail. "There is a lot of knowledge about the Sangre that has been lost."

I sighed and shook my head a little. "Tell me about it." I was glad to see him here but somethings telling me its not for a visit. "Anyway, why did you track us down?"

Aaron seemed to shift from excited to worried or even scared.

"I should have said this when I first came in." He trailed off as he lowered his ears a little before looking at me, making me tense up a little. "The ShadowFighters have set a trap for the resistance and they are falling right into the trap."

I could feel the room growing tense as everyone went quiet. Not a cricket nor the wind could be heard through the old walls of this shed like structure.

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