Chapter 9: New Questions, No Answers

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(Above is Aaron)

(Maddie's POV)

I whined a little, looking around the cell I was placed in. I was hungry. Cold. However, I knew I couldn't show fear. Not around these dogs.

I couldn't stop thinking about how my dad would just give me up to the ShadowFighters, no questions asked. I mean, I understand that my brother was in danger but, I would have at least liked a warning before they arrived. Or, they could have immediately told me the situation and I could have gone to get him. I looked at the torn bed I was on, my ears lowered as I thought about that moment. His eyes full of sorrow but yet, still filled with a long lasting fear.

"Quit your whining wolf!"

My eyes moved from the bed to see the dog that stood guard by my cell. He seemed to be easily annoyed cause this was the fifth time he's told me to shut it.

My mind kept drifting from thought to thought. One memory to another. I began to question why I wasn't dead yet, and what they could possibly want with me.


My eyes shot open at the sound of a growl. I lifted my head from the ground and looked at the cold metal floor and disgusting walls before I noticed a Great Dane at the metal fence that held me prisoner.

"Wake up! Now!"

"I'm up! Shut your snout!" I snarled as I stood up and glared at the Great Dane who growled at me.

"Watch your words pup! You wouldn't want me to injure you now would you?"

I smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, like I couldn't take you easily."

I noticed him give a cold smile as he looked at me with his brown eyes that fit his black and white coat. "Please, I'd love to see you try missy."

I was confused at his confidence, however, one detail scared me half to death. One detail caused me to cower to the ground, tuck my tail between my legs and look at him with fear in my multi coloured eyes. His once brown eyes, shifted to a terrifying blood red color that was a terrifying sign. The blood red eye color of a Sangre who's soul was so destroyed, that they enjoyed all the killing they did.

He laughed at my fear, his fangs easy to see through his evil smirk of a smile. "That's right, be filled with fear. Fear the one true sangre of this world!"

I was frozen for a while. My ears lowered as my eyes were wide open and filled with fear. Now, yes I was a Sangre as well, but there are a few details to point out with this one. One, he's a Great Dane and that adds to his strength in wolf form. Two, his blood red eyes shows he's an experienced killer, unlike me who's only killed one dog out of self defence. Three, he had back up all around this place so there was no fighting him.

"Now, it's good to see one Sangre cower before another haha. I guess one like you never out grows being a scared little puppy."

I couldn't get myself to stand up straight. My eyes wouldn't leave this Great Danes. I could feel shivers running up and down my spine, my legs shaking as I tried to take my eyes away from his.

"Excuse me, Adrian, everything okay?" I was finally able to take my eyes from him when some sort of German Shepherd walked in the cell, his flopped over ears perked as he looked at this 'Adrian' than me.

I couldn't take the fear from my face as I watched this dog make some sort of startling face as if he saw a ghost.

"Yes, I'm fine Aaron. Don't worry. I appreciate the concern though." Adrian looked at this dog, who I guess his name was Aaron, to see him frozen. "Aaron? You okay?" I was startled at how this dog seemed to speak to Aaron as if he were his son.

Aaron shook his head and looked at Adrian with a calm look, his ears perked. "Yes, I'm fine. Just, didn't expect to see this dog cower like a puppy." His words sounded harsh to the untrained ears but to the trained ear, one could hear the shaky, lying voice in it.

Adrian nodded before he continued to speak. "Why are you here son?" Son?!

"Umm, Skillet asked to see you. He didn't say why, just to tell you to see him in the training room on the first floor." Aaron spoke with a little stutter but he spoke very clearly and calmly.

Adrian smiled. "Alright. I better go see what he wants. Thank you Aaron." He turned and walked out of the cell, his stride calm and with a proud strut.

Aaron seemed to watch Adrian leave before he turned to the guard. "You can go take a small break, I'll watch her for a while."

The guard looked at him, uncertainty in his eyes. "You sure Aaron? She's very dangerous. You know what your father would do if she did anything to you."

I looked from the guard to Aaron, backing away as I had started to get my confidence and bravery back. "Yes, I'm sure. I can tell she's getting on your nerves. Plus, she wouldn't dare try something knowing what could happen to her."

The guard only nodded before he seemed to leave with a quick stride as if he couldn't leave in a bigger hurry.

Aaron turned his eyes to meet mine. I stood tall again, my ears pinned a little but I didn't snarl or growl. "I can't believe it.. I thought you were dead."

I was caught off guard by his words. I've never met this dog in my life but yet, I could now smell a familiar scent from him. "I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with someone else." I snarled a little as I glared at Aaron, who remained calm.

"You may not know me, but I know you, Maddie." He gave off a warm smile as he wagged his tail a little. "I'm Aaron, your half brother!"

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