Chapter 13: Warnings

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"What trap?" I noticed how stern yet confused my voice sounded as it left my mouth. Sure some of the dogs in the resistance were a pain but letting them die wasn't going to happen. Not while i could do something.

Aaron's face seemed to frown as he spoke, his ears perked as he looked at me. "The ShadowFighters are planning to say that they captured you. Somehow, they knew that you guys left them. I'm unaware of how they found this out but I know they plan to use this to their advantage."

I heard Bliss snarl. I glanced at her as she had pinned her ears, her eyes narrowed with anger.

"They plan to lure the group to a remote location and ambush them there in a few hours. I haven't heard exactly how many dogs they plan to have there, but its enough to overpower the resistance." Aaron had continued, his voice somewhat calm but i could find a bit of worry in it.

"Do you know where this place is?" Ronan tilted his head as he spoke, his ears perked.

"Are you kidding me!! You aren't suggesting we go save their sorry asses are you?!" Bliss's voice was full of anger as she barked, her teeth bared as she glared at Ronan, than me.

I snarled but i kept my tone down as i didn't want to start a fight with her nor trigger a deadly fight. "Bliss, are you saying we should let them all get captured and possibly killed? Sure Luke and Alaska are idiotic, spoiled dogs, but we cant let the others get hurt! Jasmine, Arrow, Bramble, Esmerelda, Pearl, they were all so kind to us. I'm not letting them get killed, not when i have a say in it!"

Bliss fell silent to this while Aaron looked between us with shock but he pushed it aside so he could speak. "The plan to ambush them in the clearing of the park just west of here."

I looked at my brother, my ears perked as my eyes were free of emotions. "Thanks brother."

Aaron smiled brightly as his tail wagged slightly, his brown eyes looking into mine. "Anytime sis! Just please be careful. All of you." His eyes drifted from me to the others as Ronan nodded.

"We will be, don't worry." Ronan spoke with a slight smile on his face as he looked at Aaron.

My brother returned his smile with one of his own before he turned and left, taking off at a run as soon as he reached the door. I looked from where he had disappeared to the others, my ears perked as my voice was calm as I spoke. "We need to get there and help them."

Ronan nodded as he sat down, his eyes glancing from me to Elijah who stood next to him. "But we cant just rush in there. We have no idea how many dogs will be there, nor where they will be hidden."

Elijah looked from Ronan to me, his ears lowered with worry. "Yeah, but where Aaron described, there could be many places they where they plan to hide and wait. We cant possibly check them all. One or all of us could be caught before we are able to search all of the places."

I nodded my head, knowing he was right. I glanced at Bliss who had been silent for a while yet she seemed to have an idea. "Bliss?"

She looked at me before letting out a sigh than speaking. "Well, why not set an ambush of our own? We are four wolves with incredible strength. We don't have to search where they could be hiding. We just need wait in hiding and strike when they show themselves."

Ronan smiled a little at that plan and so did I. She had a great plan and I could see it working. "That just might work, Great thinking."

"Let's get there before they do so we can hide before either side shows up." Elijah spoke quickly before he had stood up and took off at a fast sprint. I looked at Bliss as Ronan had taken off as well.

Bliss had an angry yet confused expression on her face and I couldn't help but notice it and feel concerned. "Bliss?"

She looked at me, her ears perked up a bit. "I don't like this.... Going to ambush those who are planning an ambush of their own.... Something is telling me that something will go wrong..."

I lowered my ears as i heard what she said. She only ever said a thing like that when something was going to go wrong. I couldn't help but feel my heart frown yet I forced a smile on my face. "Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong, I promise."

Bliss seemed to lighten up a bit with this and then took off to catch up to the boys.

I watched her as i thought about what i said. The frown on my heart made its way to my face. How could I possibly keep that promise? Bliss has never been wrong with these things and I just made a promise that I may or may not be able to keep. I shook my head before I sighed. I couldn't think about that. It's said, so now i need to make sure I keep that promise. I turned towards the opening, perking my ears as i forced the frown on my face to leave and just remain on my heart. I took off running to catch up to the others. Thoughts in my mind about the possible horrific outcomes of this situation. My heart praying none of them ever happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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