Chapter 8: Shame

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- Bliss's POV -

I yawned, my canines showing but I quickly shut my mouth, and shook my head to nock the tiredness away. The fowl smell filling my nose as the walls weren't any better. Its been hours since Maddie and Arrow left. Where on earth could they be? I sighed as I laid my head down on my paws that were in my bed, my ears lowered a little. She knows better than any of us to not stick with them at their house, especially for the safety of her baby brother.

I perked my ears as I caught the scent of Bramble walking in. "Oh, hey Bliss." I lifted my head, looking at him with my blue eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen my brother?"

I shook my head a little as I got up from my bed and faced him. "You mean he's still gone too?"

Bramble tilted his head, unsure of what I was growing more and more concerned about. "Umm, yeah?"

I quickly took off from the bed room I was in, to the living room where Elijah and Ronan were, their ears perked as they were talking with Jasmine, Alaska, and Pearl. Elijah jumped at how quick I came in, his ears perked as I saw worry in his eyes. "Bliss?"

Ronan, Jasmine, Alaska, and Pearl all looked at me as I narrowed my eyes, my ears pinned a little. "Please tell me one of ya'll has seen Maddie!" My voice was stern as I barked, my muscles tense as the room went quiet, everyone looking at each other than me.

"No, not since she and Arrow left. Why?" Jasmine didn't seem to get the point. If Maddie was gone for this long, something must to have happened cause either Maddie or Arrow should have been back by now.

"We need to get to Maddie's house NOW!" I barked before I glared at them as Ronan and Elijah's face grew full of concern, their ears lowering a little as their muscles seemed to grow tense.

"Come on! so she and Arrow have been gone for a while, so what? It's not like they would abandon us." Alaska snarled as he looked at me.

I snarled right back and so did Ronan and Elijah who walked over beside me. "Exactly! Maddie wouldn't abandon us! Even if it meant her life!" Alaska was shocked at the come back Ronan made, his ears pinned as he growled.

"Come on guys, we need to find her!" I barked as I started for the door.

"And where on earth do you plan to look?!" Alaska barked as he jumped in front of the door, his teeth bared.

I snapped at him, scaring him enough to back away from the door before speaking. "The one place she would always think to go, even in worst circumstances." Alaska was confused but I didn't bother to explain. I didn't have time. I took off out the door, Ronan and Elijah following close beside me.

"Wait up! We're coming too!" I glanced back as I saw Jasmine, Bramble, and Pearl following.

"Come on Alaska!" I heard Alaska growl before he seemed to reluctantly follow, his ears pinned.


I came to a stop, my ears perked as I sniffed the air. "Multiple dogs have been here, including Maddie," Ronan's voice was filled with worry and so was my heart. One of the scents I recognize from a few days ago made my heart sink.

"I know, I smell it too." I looked around, not seeing anything to show that there was a fight. My heart continued to sink as if there was no bottom to hit. I couldn't help but fear the worst. "This is strange... Maddie never goes down without a fight."

I whined a little as I walked over to the front porch of her parents house. She had definitely been here, her scent is on the oak wood of the porch. I scratched the door, my eyes full of concern as I eagerly awaiting an answer.

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