All is Found

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May 23rd, 1907
7:00 pm

(Y/N)'s mother was getting her two daughters ready for bed after a very long day. Said daughters, however, were nowhere near drowsiness.

"How did you meet papa?" The oldest of the two girls asked. The mother was bewildered at her child's curiosity, but she smiled all the same. She placed herself between her daughters and pulled them close into her sides.

"Your father was a very awkward man. He would always struggle at conversing with me. I found it quite charming. We eventually grew close to each other, but I knew something deep down inside was eating at him. He had a sort of deep secret hidden in his eyes. Eventually, he told me that he was raised in a bad family environment. He told me that they did a lot of bad things to a lot of people."

Her oldest looked at her with wide eyes; the youngest could barely keep her eyes open, but she hung on to every word. She knew that if she continued with her story her daughters would never sleep. Instead, she began singing a lullaby that she never shared with her daughters.

"Where the North Wind meets the sea,
There's a river full of memory.
Sleep my darling, safe and sound,
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true,
Lie the answers, and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound,
But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who hear
And in her song, all magic flows,
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the River knows?

Where the North Wind meets the sea,
There's a mother full of memory.
Come my darling, homeward bound.
When all is lost,

Then all is found".

She looked at her two sleeping angel and smiled before kissing their sweet, little heads. She soon frowned and tucked in her bundles of joy before leaving the room.

To this day, (Y/N) still never understood why her mother didn't like talking about her father.

February 5th, 1924
6:00 am

(Y/N) groggily opened her eyes. She ran her hand through her hair as she yawned. She pondered, in confusion, about why she had dreamt about her past. She hadn't heard from her older sister since she moved to the Northern states.

She rubbed the strange dream from her tired eyes shook, and rose from her bed to prepare for a new day. 

7:30 am

(Y/N) folded Alastor's jacket over her forearm and headed downstairs to meet the paperboy patiently waiting for her outside the locked door. She had forgotten about the poor lad and rushed to the door. He beamed, "Thank you, Miss. Here's today's news."

She grabbed the paper from the boy, with a small smile, and gave him some coins for his service. "Thank you, Michael. Make sure to remind your father about his appointment tomorrow." The boy nodded, and smiled before rushing off. (Y/N) giggled at the joyful boy and delicately placed the radio star's red coat on a nearby mannequin. She took a closer look at the newspaper's headline.  opened the newspaper to see the that the infamous mysterious serial killer murdered a few more people this week.

The doorbells jingled, which broke her gaze from the paper in her hand. She turned to see none other than the Radio Host himself. "Good Morning, Alastor. I didn't expect to see you this early." He smiled and walked towards the mannequin with his jacket. He placed his fingers over where the tear used to be.

"I'm impressed Ms. (L/N), it looks brand new." He looked at (Y/N), she noticed a sparkle in his eye, but she knew his smile said differently. She smiled back at him nonetheless. "I just try to make my customers happy."

(Y/N) walked behind the counter and rang his total. When he went to pay for he gave her a stack of money and told her to keep the change.

She put the money in the register but Alastor was still there. He looked as if he had something on his mind. "Would you like to take a walk with me tonight?" (Y/N) gladly accepted and asked him if she would need to bring anything with her. He shook his head, smiled, and left.

2:12 pm

The phone started ringing. The person on the other end was what surprised her the most. It was the Chicago Police calling to inform (Y/N) that her sister passed and that her children would be left in (Y/N)'s care. Once they hung up she slid down to the floor, her hand covering her mouth. Tears were running down her face.

Her sister.

7:00 pm

As (Y/N) was getting ready for her walk with Alastor she heard something hit her bedroom window. She placed the last bobby pins in her (h/c) hair as she made her way to the window. (Y/N) opened the window to nothing. Just as she was about to close the window (Y/N) saw what hit the window.

A bird. It looked like a cardinal.

She reached down and carefully picked it up and brought the little thing inside.

8:17 pm

(Y/N) knew she was late for her walk with Alastor, but she was more worried about the small cardinal that hit her window.

What terrified her the most is if she thought she was making Alastor think that she was having second thoughts.

8:30 pm

(Y/N) finally made her way downstairs and to her surprise, Alastor was waiting, patiently, outside for her. His smile was bigger than before.

"Are you ready to go, my dear?"


This chapter was part filler

I wanted to get something in before the week was over

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