Aunt Claire

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5 1/2 months later

Jerome needed (Y/n) and Ruth to go tell his sister, Claire, what was going to happen.

Ruth and (Y/n) were walking over to where Claire stayed. The two were told that their aunt needed a caretaker with her. The two of them had been quiet the entire time, so (Y/n) spoke first. "So, while we're heading over to Aunt Claire's, I figure I may as well warn you ahead of time." Ruth looked at her sister with her eyebrows raised. Ruth stood at 8ft 5in, so she easily looked down at her sister. "Of what." (Y/n) took a deep breath before revealing the news to her sister. "Audrey is pregnant and we're going to have a baby shower for her child." Ruth stopped walking and looked at her little sister. Her face grew pale as she heard that her daughter is expecting a child. "..... What?". She almost lost her balance. "Yeah, she's pregnant." Ruth looked like she needed to take a seat, (Y/n) took notice of this and led her to a nearby bench and began to help her process all the information she just heard. "We're trying to get Aunt Claire to join, that's why I'm going to visit her, and Dad asked for you to come with so that both of you had the information beforehand." Ruth looked down to the ground before sitting up straight. "I... see..."

They arrive at the house and Ruth knocks on the door. "Hello?" A girl peeks through the door. (Y/n) spoke first, "Hello, does Claire Crevan live here?" The girl almost closed the door, "Who's asking?" Ruth stepped forward with her hands on her hips. "Her nieces, Ruth and (Y/n) Crevan." the girl opened the door all the way after hearing their last names. "Oh, my name is Megan, I'm Claire's caretaker... Please, come in." She opened the door and stepped aside letting the two inside.

Ruth and (Y/n) stepped inside the house. "She's over here." Megan led the two to Claire's room. (Y/n) looks sadly at the sight before her. The entire room is filled with medical supplies ensuring that Claire is healthy and well. Ruth's face falls seeing Claire's state.

Claire looks at the two people entering her room and lightly smiles seeing visitors. "Are you doing well, Miss Claire?" Claire blinks twice for "yes". Ruth whispers to her sister, "She can't speak?". (Y/n) shook her head no, before responding back. "No, sadly. She can't speak, walk, or anything. All she can do is blink, make facial expressions, and see." Claire looks towards Megan and then at Ruth and (Y/n). "You two, if you don't mind, could you step closer to Miss Claire?" Both women step closer. Claire smiles at (Y/n) before looking at Ruth. "Aunt Claire, this my sister Ruth." Ruth raises her hand as a form of greeting. Claire looks at Megan. "Oh!" Megan rushes over to Claire and lifts one of her hands. "Is it alright you, Miss Ruth, if I briefly place Miss Claire's hand on yours?" Ruth hesitated for a bit, since she remembers Lillian would try to keep Jerome's family away from her and (Y/n). "Uh sure." Megan nods and lifts Claire's limp hand and placed it on Ruth's hand and then gently places it on her face. Claire smiles and closed her eyes. "She's happy her brother's daughters came to visit." Megan translated Claire's wordless sentence and gently placed Claire's hand down. Even though Claire herself couldn't move her own hand, she herself could still feel anything that made contact with her body.

Ruth looked sad as her eyes were filled with sympathy. "Is it alright if the three of us are in private for a few minutes?" (Y/n) looked towards Megan waiting for an answer. "Sure I suppose, but if anything happens please come and get me." (Y/n) nods her head as she waits for Megan to leave the room. Megan closes the door as she leaves. "So, your great niece, Audrey, is pregnant. I've told you about her before, remember?" Claire blinks twice meaning yes. "We're hosting a baby shower for her tomorrow and we were wondering if you would like to attend. Is that alright with you?" Claire give her youngest niece a smile and blinks two times as a yes. "That's wonderful! Not only that but so much more has happened." (Y/n) began to tell Claire everything that happened in the past few months.

"Not to be rude, but how would you get there?" If looks could kill, Ruth would be dead.... Again. "She'll be in a wheelchair that Megan will push." Ruth felt stupid in that moment. "Oh." Claire smiles at her nieces before her eyes start to droop, showing her drowsiness. Megan walked into the room and rushes to the machines, checking to make sure the machines are alright. She faces the two women, "Sorry, but I have to ask you to leave, she's sleeping and I don't want anyone to wake her up." Ruth and (Y/n) nod and leave the house.

At least they know Aunt Claire will be able to attend Audrey's baby shower.

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