Author's Note

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The next chapter will be late. I don't think I can keep writing when I'm being bullied in school. They've brought everything in me down.

I'm a junior in high school, so please bare with me and this all just happened. It started on September Friday the 13th, 2019; we were having a pep rally that day and I was excited cause I dressed up as Jack Skellington. I had worn a skirt that looked like it had spider webs on it. A small group of freshman girls started calling me "Spider Web", just for the fun of it. At first I thought it was funny cause it was Friday the 13th. They had continued to call me that nickname and I did my best to ignore it. I had asked them why they continued to call me "Spider Web", one of the girls replies, "Cause it's funny and you look like a Spider Web." It had gotten so bad that in mid November, around my birthday, another student had told this to the principal. The principal had told me and the other girls to leave the subject alone and to not talk to each other. So I do just that. One of the girls had "apologized". I go back to choir class and the cool ghetto white girl jokingly said, "Alright, who do I have to fight?" I told her that it was fine and that the principal had defused the situation. After we come back from Thanksgiving break the girls had gone back to calling me "Spider Web". But this time they were muttering it under their breath, but it was also loud enough to where I could hear. I had left it alone cause I didn't want ISS again for something stupid as talking to a bunch of girls. Today was different. We had just returned from Christmas Break and I was in a good mood. Early in the morning they were commenting on my new shoes that I had gotten for Christmas. Those comments weren't nice. It was last class of the day and the teacher had us play games. She picked team captains and they picked team members. When it came down to me and a friend of mine, one group, they choose team members before the ghetto group, they picked her. Immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, they all say "No!", "Not her!", "Why do we get her!". The teacher heard this and she placed and the on the same team. I almost had a mental breakdown and I almost started crying. I had done nothing to bother those group of kids. I had asked my grandmother to pick me up cause I wanted to tell the principal that the girls were at it again, but I had to ride the bus home. On the ride home I talked to AuthorsFolly, who was helping to cheer me up. 

That's the story of how it went down.

The other chapters are being edited by a professional.

Let me know if you want to see what your demon outfit looks like

That's all for now

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