The Son of the Radio Demon

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For the past 3 months, it's been a little bit more challenging for the Crevan family to be raising two infants, not to mention another one is on its way. No one complains and no one argues, especially where Chromia and Astilbe are concerned. When Chromia first met Astilbe she loved her as if she was a little sister. They would sleep together, take naps together, but since Chromia was older by 3 months they couldn't play together, so Chromia would be in a bad mood until she took a nap or was being fed by one of her parents.

(Y/n) was currently keeping her promise to Valentino by taking care of Astilbe, she had the small infant napping in her arms as she sang the old lullaby Lillian sang to her and Ruth once, despite only hearing the song once she remembered the lyrics word for word. She placed a hand on her stomach where her unborn child was growing, she moved her thumb up and down as she began to hum. She closed her eyes thinking that a nap wouldn't hurt. Just as she was about to fall into deep sleep Alastor opened the door to their shared bedroom which caused (Y/n) to pick her head up, careful as to not disturb the sleeping infant in her arms. Alastor smiled at his wife and granddaughter before making his way over to his side of the bed, he then got the bed before carefully moving closer to see his granddaughter. "She looks just like her, Al." Astilbe moved a little before settling down to continue sleeping, this made Alastor let out a little laugh as he gently poked her cheek, Astilbe started to wake up and saw her two grandparents looking at her. A giggle erupted from the small child as she raised her hands to touch (Y/n)'s face, when she raised the child to touch her she smiled as the memories of when Anastasia was a baby began to play in her head, these memories cause tears to fall down her face and Alastor took quick notice of this. Just as Alastor was about to console his wife, (Y/n) started laughing. "I remember when Anastasia got into the flour and you didn't know whether to laugh at her or scold her." She stopped crying, but the memories kept running through her head, "I remember when we brought her home. The twins were so excited to meet her they could barely sit still. Adrian was disappointed that it wasn't a boy, but he loved her nonetheless." (Y/n) wipes away her tears before she looked at her husband. "I think I'll go downstairs, I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure Astilbe is too." Alastor quickly made his way to help his pregnant wife off their bed. "Careful darling, I don't need you hurting yourself." (Y/n) lightly rolled her eyes, "Al, I'll be fine. I'm a strong woman after all and I'm sure our child will be as strong as us, maybe stronger." She gave Alastor the same smile that made him fall in love with her.

Once they were in the kitchen (Y/n) began to make a pickle ham and cheese sandwich with mayo. (That sandwich is good by the way and now I'm hungry for one.) Alastor prepared formula milk for Astilbe. Once the bottle was ready he helped Astilbe in holding the bottle as her tiny hands tried to get a grip on the bottle. (Y/n) sat next to Alastor as she began to devour the sandwich. Chromia crawled into the room and noticed the sandwich in her grandmother's hands, she whined until she got her grandparents attention. "Would you like a piece Chromia?" (Y/n) asked while tearing off a piece of bread. Chromia made a sound of happiness before she crawled over to her grandparents, once she made it to the couch she grabbed ahold of it as she used it to help her stand up just long enough for her to grab the piece of bread before plopping back down on the ground.

"Why did you her a piece?" Alastor was genuinely confused by what his wife did, "It's soft enough for her to eat on her own, Audrey probably isn't ready for Chromia to eat real food yet, I just thought a small piece wouldn't hurt." She says before taking another bite of her sandwich.

The day was going perfectly fine, until Hell's most cold hearted bitch walked into the room, Lillian Davis Crevan herself. "Why is that still here?" She points to Astilbe who was still drinking from the bottle that Alastor was using to feed her, "Because Astilbe is family, if Anastasia didn't want her to be a part of this family then she wouldn't have given her our last name." (Y/n) took a deep breath before picking Chromia up off the floor and placed her on her lap so she had a better view of her cousin. "Mother, please understand, I can't deal with the amount of stress you are putting on me, every time you bring up how Astilbe isn't part of the family, you put more stress on me." (Y/n) was being incredibly calm about this, considering she didn't want to blow up in front of the two infants. "Anastasia is family by heart, and to us, that's all that matters." She placed a hand on Alastor's leg to tell him in her own way that something wasn't right, but it didn't bother her. Lillian rolled her eyes at her daughter, "When will you get rid of her? She's not a part of my family." The stress was taking its toll of (Y/n), she felt a sharp pain in her stomach which made her grip on Alastor's leg get tighter. "Darling, what's wrong?" Alastor places his hand on his wife's back to comfort her. "Al, it hurts."

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