What The F**k!! You used me?!?

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May 14th, 1943
Boston, Massachusetts

Audrey and Anthony's relationship grew into something more as the years went on. She brought Anastasia with her when she was old enough.

Anthony was getting the money from the current, dead, mob boss, while Audrey was sitting on the bosses desk with a little bit of blood splattered on her dress and face. Anthony finished counting the money and turned towards Audrey. "Well Ads, that's at least a-". His face dropped when he saw her face in the sunlight and the splattered blood slowly dripping down her face. He walked over to her and immediately kissed her, Audrey returned the kiss and threw her arms around his neck. Anthony's hands started to unbutton Audrey's shirt, she pulled away from the kiss and tilted her head back, revealing more of her neck to him. He began to attack her neck, leaving dark hickeys in his wake. Audrey gave out a small moan when he found her sweet spot and he began to abuse that spot.

A cough from the door made Anthony pull away from Audrey's neck to look at the person at the door. His business partner, Mallory, stood proud. Despite walking in on the make out session the two before him we're having, he didn't have a care in the world. "As much as I would love to watch you screw her Anthony, we have a job to do." He walked away, closing the door in the process. Anthony really didn't care. He fucked Audrey in the office and didn't even pull out. Looks like someone could be getting pregnant.

After the both made themselves presentable and left the room, Anastasia ran to Audrey and hugged her, Mallory wasn't far behind the 12 year old girl.

Anthony gave Audrey a kiss on the head before parting ways. "See ya later, doll~." Audrey smiled, "Yeah yeah, don't do too much without me." The two began walking away, they were about a block away when she heard laughter. "You play her for a fool everyday, man!" The person continued to laugh. Audrey was confused, she got closer so she could hear the conversation. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's pretty fun! I'm able to play her like a guitar! She's so easy to use!"

"EXACTLY! The money you get off of her too! Man I wish!" What was Mallory and Anthony talking about? "It takes utter skill, knowledge, and knowing her since childhood to be able to use her for cash!" Audrey was generally confused. "How much you make from her help?"

"Thousands!" Mallory gasped before laughing. "You lucky son of a bitch!" He playfully hit Anthony's shoulder. Audrey was confused by the "she" and "her". Who were they talking about.

"Audrey Crevan, the girl that my man right here, can make thousands off of!" Audrey slid down the wall with tears in her eyes; this wasn't Anthony. She hoped he was still there. "Ads is a doll, she really is. I love the girl to death and she loves me too! She's a girl that can kill a man with a single headshot and is making me RICH!" He started gloating.

Audrey falls to her knees but gets back up, balling her fist in the process. "Audrey?" Anastasia grabbed onto Audrey's arm, "He's not worth it."

"Anastasia, stay here." She was so ticked off that she gently got Anastasia off of her. She calmly walked over to the two men. "Oh, hey Ads, back so soon?" He was acting like nothing happened.

Audrey tackled him to the ground and starts punching him repeatedly. It turned into a blood bath. Mallory got Audrey off of Anthony and tossed her to the ground. "Audrey!" Anastasia ran over to her sister. "YOU WERE USING ME FOR FUCKING MONEY?!" Audrey screamed at Anthony. "Its business Ads, you wouldn't understand!" Audrey quickly got up and kicked Anthony in the gut. "SCREW YOU!! NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!! AND DON'T CALL ME "ADS" ANYMORE!!" She dusted herself off and began walking to off, Anastasia quickly followed behind her.

Anthony immediately regrets what he's done.

10 months later

Audrey was pregnant and had the child. The only ones who knew were Adrian and Anastasia. The baby was a little girl named Mari Ann Crevan. She had her mother's eyes and her father's hair.

Anastasia had grown attached to the small child. Everything was going fine, until one night, something inside of Audrey snapped. She grabbed a pillow and headed towards the nursery where her daughter slept. Audrey placed the pillow over the sleeping child's head.

After a few minutes Adrian walked into the room and stopped her. He had come to the conclusion to give the child up for adoption.

The next day, Adrian took the child to a local orphanage. Audrey never had another episode like that again.

But that was the start of Anastasia's new life. Something she loved was taken away, and she wasn't going to let it slide so easily.

I'm working on a future character for the story

This is to clarify something!! Anthony is Angel Dust! Audrey has a twin brother named Adrian!!
There!!  Stop saying it's incest!

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