Kirishima X Female Reader *Edited*

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"COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT Y/N!" You took a deep breath and rotated your shoulders stepping back a little and exerting some force to create a crater before propelling yourself forward right fist aimed straight at him. At the last second, he raised his arms in an x formation blocking you but you quickly threw 2, 3, and multiple more punches on him. Your quirk was machine-gunned which allowed you to propel the force of a machine-gun bullet into any set of limbs at a rapid force. The only drawback being was sore limbs and the ability to not use those limbs once you hit your limit with your quirk. You were working on that though along with the rest of Class 1-A. Kirishima always ended up being your partner as of late considering everyone else wasn't exactly a fan of being punched repeatedly beside him and Tetsutetsu. Honestly did his parents love him? Who would name their kid Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu? Bet you his middle name is Tetsutetsu shit what a tongue twister that will be.

"You've gotten better Kiri!" You were panting, sweat forming on your forehead. You felt the tell-tale sign of muscle weakness, your quirk's drawback but you opt to ignore it until you could no longer move your arms.

"Wow! You're amazing L/N!" You blushed at the compliment looking down and smirking a bit. He followed your train of sight and frowned a bit looking back at you with determination "You even moved me 2 more inches! That just means I need to get stronger and catch up with the rest of you guys." Something flashed across his eyes but it disappeared just as quickly. You had a feeling that he was doubting himself again, honestly, he was the manliest student you knew but he wouldn't believe it even if it punched him across his face.

"You're the manliest guy I know, you'll be unbreakable in no time!" You winked at him loving the red blush that crossed his features. You held out your hand for a fist bump but were flabbergasted when he pushed your arm away and hugged you tightly screaming about manliness and protection. Honestly, you had no idea what was going through that thick skull of his all you were worried about was the fact that he had his thick muscular arms wrapped tightly around you causing you to almost float. You tried not to snuggle into him but it couldn't be helped and your crush on him was not helping. You went against your better judgment and leaned more into him, he froze up and you looked up at him to see he was the same color as his hair. You quickly pulled out not giving him a chance to react "I'm sorry! You were just so comfortable and I couldn't resist, I'm sorry" You cut off your rambling not wanting to embarrass yourself any further than you already have. You can deal with others but not make a fool in front of him

"L/N?" You looked up your face the color of a tomato and he was standing there awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck looking off to the side. "I-I didn't mind it." He chanced a glance at you and you were staring right at him in shock which didn't help ease his embarrassment.

"You didn't?" You didn't mean to sound so incredulous but this whole situation was familiar but bizarre in a way like you crossed a boundary that neither one of you even knew existed.

"...I wouldn't mind....hugging you again." You blinked his words finally registering in your head. Oh hell yeah. You were taking FULL advantage of this. Of course, after class is over since Aizawa looked like he was going to tie us up with his capture weapon.

"I would like that, but after school is done because Aizawa sensei looks like he's about to kill us." Kirishima chanced a look at him and yelped at the heated red glare sent at him. He wasted no time hardening and running straight for you as you prepare your arms for a beating. You so were going to feel this at the end of the day.


You regretted life right now and you could care less if you were being dramatic. Your arms were on fire and felt like lead. It was a hassle to write down anything in your class. You had half a mind to take off your shoe and write with your toes. You learned that trick when you found out how tiring and painful the drawback of your quirk was. However, you had a savior and it was Sero but you were skeptical. You love Sero you really do but you don't exactly trust him to be the best student nor the best note-taker. That's when Bakugo came and saved you yelling about triangle face being the worst person to trust to take notes. You thanked him and of course, he scowled hard at you before turning talking about don't be stupid to over-use your quirk that you can't even lift your arms. As expected he took amazing notes and you hummed pleased as he looked smug as ever but of course, he brushed off your compliment with an egocentric remark about him being the best. Such a tsundere acting like you didn't notice his lightly colored cheeks.

"L/N!" You turned to see Kiri bearing a bright smile. He was such a sunshine child and a precious cinnamon roll. You would do anything to protect him and that smile of his that lured you in. Many people would agree that he's a sweetheart but you felt that he had a lot of charisma about him that he had no idea that he even possessed. Let's start off with his personality, he wants to protect everyone and everything, and he wants to be an unbreakable wall. He also always befriends everyone. He befriended his opponent from the Sports Festival and Bakugo. ANYONE who can stand to be in Bakugo's presence for more than five minutes deserves all the love and patience in the world. God knows he needs to be extra generous on the patience part. "Did you hear me?" You jolted realizing he was talking and you zoned out not hearing a word of what he said.

"What was zat?" Your words were slurring and that's when the exhaustion really hit you. You swayed a bit on your feet expecting to hit the floor but you were caught in a pair of arms instead. "Kiri?" He said nothing as he swung you upholding you in a bridal position.

"You were about to fall. You really overdid it with your quirk today huh?" You blinked up at him wanting to ease the concern swimming in his gaze.

"I did, but it's okay now that you're here." You decided that the fatigue was making you bold so you laid your head against his shoulder getting comfortable. He adjusted his hold on you as he carried you towards Dorm A. You were trying your best not to fall asleep, but he was too comfortable for his own good so without your consent, you went into dreamland. The next time that you woke up you weren't being carried anymore but instead, you were laying on something soft and you felt a pair of arms wrapped around you. Wait. Soft. Arms. Huh? Your eyes widen in a quick panic taking in the surroundings of your room but feeling a pair of arms holding you tightly against a muscular chest. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was but just to confirm you shimmied a bit around and relaxed when you saw ahead red hair and the peaceful face of a sleeping Kirishima. He was in your room, holding you. You unconsciously looked down and visibly slumped when you noticed you both were still in your school uniform. You took a small breath and decided to take advantage of the position and studied his physique. He was beautiful in every way possible, you played with his hair a bit noticing the black roots thinking idly how he's going to need to dye his hair again. You gently played with the strands but were brought back to reality by the feel of one of his hands rubbing up and down your back gently. You looked into bright red orbs that were staring at you with so much adoration. You weren't imagining this right?

"You didn't want to let me go, so I stayed and took a little nap with you." He was smiling gently at you causing a blush to appear. He was making you blush a lot but you weren't about to stop him

"I'm sorry If I stopped you-" You were caught off by him placing a light kiss on your forehead before tugging you forward and tucking your head under his chin.

"I wanted to stay with you...Y/N" You gasped lightly wanting to look up at him but the hold he had on you prevented you from doing so.

"Can I call you Ejiro?" He froze a bit before relaxing and resting his cheek on your head somehow.

"If I knew how beautiful my name would sound coming out your mouth, I would have told you sooner to call me that." You couldn't help the bashful chuckle that came out of you. You were running on a high that you didn't want to come down from so you decided to confess the only thing you were scared of confessing

"I really like you, Ejiro...A lot." You waited patiently for his response and after what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds he pulled away causing you to lookup. You were shocked when a pair of lips brushed yours in a chaste kiss before he pulled away smiling down at you with a blush of his own.

"I like you a lot too Y/N...If you let me, I would want to be yours, your boyfriend, your protector." You chuckled happily snuggling back into him not wanting to leave his embrace any time soon

"Silly, you always have been my protector and always will be...Just now it's official." He said nothing as he rolled over onto his back pulling you to lay on his chest

"I don't mind staying like this for a while." Your only response was to snuggle into his chest feeling sleep tugging at your consciousness as nimble fingers combed through your hair.


one sweetheart down, a ton more to go.

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now